QTwebkit Build failed on QT-5.15 via Yocto
Hi QT experts:
I would like to integrate the QTwebkit to QT5.15 via Yocto project, unfortunately, I got build error till now.
QTwebkit has been build successfully on QT-5.13.- On QT-5.15, I've move the QT webkit sha1 as below:
https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/yocto/meta-qt5/+/296402 - On meta-qt5 5.15 branch, there is another build issue has been fixed as below:
diff --git a/recipes-qt/qt5/qtdeclarative_git.bb b/recipes-qt/qt5/qtdeclarative_git.bb
index ffed74b9..c4f7eb4b 100644
--- a/recipes-qt/qt5/qtdeclarative_git.bb
+++ b/recipes-qt/qt5/qtdeclarative_git.bb
@@ -31,6 +31,6 @@ do_install_append_class-nativesdk() {
rm -rf ${D}${OE_QMAKE_PATH_QML}
-SRCREV = "8dfcc71953cd36370bcf19f537445e3766f39635"
+SRCREV = "1a2ab822fa24733f83d6720d2af8498ecbd5cbda"Howerver, during webkit link, there is a problem as below
/usr/include/QtCore/qbytearray.h:530: undefined reference to `QWebFullScreenVideoHandler::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)'
I found the root cause is the moc didn't create "moc_qwebfullscreenvideohandler.cxx" on 5.15
There is only a parameter file created.Another clue is in build/Source/WebKit/CMakeFiles/WebKit_autogen.dir/AutogenInfo.json, the qwebfullscreenvideohandler.h in in MOC_SKIP section, I not sure whethere this cause the moc_qwebfullscreenvideohandler.cxx cannot be created.
I would like to know which code create WebKit_autogen.dir/AutogenInfo.json file and how to remove qwebfullscreenvideohandler.h from the MOC_SKIP section.
Do I need to revert some commits in moc or there are solutions to fix this build error?
Thanks in advance.
- On QT-5.15, I've move the QT webkit sha1 as below:
This choice of SRCREV is horribly wrong. Please use 444bd2bda5fa46c2b4b99adaf6e9b2074b03a0d1
@Konstantin-Tokarev said in QTwebkit Build failed on QT-5.15 via Yocto:
This choice of SRCREV is horribly wrong. Please use 444bd2bda5fa46c2b4b99adaf6e9b2074b03a0d1
Hi expert:
I saw you suggest to switch to 5.212 branch.
Do i need to extra modification in meta-qt5?
E.g; remove python3 suppot patch?Thanks
E.g; remove python3 suppot patch?
Why would you want to do that?
Thanks, I've build successfully.
I will upload commit to gerrit soon and invite you to review.Thanks for ur greate support.
remove python3 suppot patch?
Ah, you had a local patch. I wonder why nobody even tries to contact maintainer when doing such work. What a horrible waste of time for everyone.
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