Qt Creator Difftool : ignore case and whitespace?
Qt Creator and other tools
I've tried lots of difftools, but I like the ability of Qt Creator to show all the files at once, and set the number of context lines.
But from what I can see, it's missing a feature : ignoring whitespace (all whitespace including line break, not just indentation) and being case-insensitive.
This is what I mean. Those lines should be considered as the same:Result = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, L"installed path", NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &value, &value_length);
result = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, L"installed path", NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&value, &value_length);
So, is there a way to enable it that I'm not seeing, or is it just not possible?
Thanks. -
Hi @G_ka,
to my knowledge, this is not possible currently.
We have Ignore Spaces in the Toolbar, but AFAIK this does not ignore line breaks.
You might want to file a report at bugreports.qt.io/QTCREATORBUG (and please post the link here so we can follow).
Thanks and regards