Android settings have errors / Qt 5.14.2 - Qt Creator 4.11
Hello everybody,
I'm new to the community and also to the Qt platform.
I'm building a cross-platform app (desktop/mobile) but I'm experiencing issues in Qt creator android setup.
The app regularly runs on desktop x64 kit, but I can't set Android device (and kit) correctly.I installed:
- JDK 8
- NDK 21
- SDK via Android studio
Paths seem ok, but I still have 2 red marks on:
- SDK tools installed
- Platform SDK installed
as in attached pic.
I followed other posts but I can't get what I am mistaking?Thanks in advance for help
Hi andwelcome to devnet forum
Can you check the information "SDK manager" at the bottom which SDK is installed?
Possibly you have to reinstall the SDK through AndroidStudio.
@faster-bicio Hello and welcome to this developer Forum.
This question has been ask many times: the answer is You have to install Android SDK Tools.
Please take a look to this post:, this will show you how to do it.
my problem was somthing like you. I solved it by removing all the manual setting(I mean the manual sdk, ndk and openssl addresses) then I first give the address of jdk 1.8 and click on set up SDK in the following picture:
Qt creator automatically make it.