fast way to update 10M record in Mysql database using QT
I have a 500MB file which contains a data that I need to use it to update a table that contains 10M rows so I use this code in using QT SQL library
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL"); // my database info db.transaction(); // start the transaction QSqlQuery q; QString sql = ""; // to append many sql statment to this string QFile file(dataFile); | QIODevice::ReadOnly); QTextStream stream(&file); int counter = 0; clock_t tStart = clock(); while (!stream.atEnd()) { counter++; QString str = stream.readLine(); QStringList list = str.split(';'); QString id = list[0]; QString streetName = list[1]; QString HouseName = list[2]; QString HouseNumber = list[3]; QString city = list[4]; QString postalCode = list[5]; QString temp_sql = "UPDATE temp_table_copy SET street_name='!1', house_number='!2',postal_code='!3',address_city='!4', house='!5' where id=" + id + ";"; temp_sql = temp_sql.replace("!1", streetName); temp_sql = temp_sql.replace("!2", HouseNumber); temp_sql = temp_sql.replace("!3", postalCode); temp_sql = temp_sql.replace("!4", city); temp_sql = temp_sql.replace("!5", HouseName); sql += temp_sql; if (sql.size() >= 100000) { if (!q.exec(sql)) { qDebug() << "Excute Error: " << q.lastError().text(); } sql = ""; printf("Finished: %d sql statment\n", counter); } if (counter == Number) break; } if (!sql.isEmpty()) { if (!q.exec(sql)) { qDebug() << "Excute Error: " << q.lastError().text(); } printf("Finished: %d sql statment\n", counter); } db.commit(); // commit and printf("Time taken: %.2fs\n", (double)(clock() - tStart)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); db.close();
the idea is I append the big SQL string with the SQL statement and when it reaches the 100,000 in size I execute it and empty the string to avoid bad allocation when the string is too much size in memory, and also I read that MySQL database has a certain size to the SQL statement to be executed and I get its limit using
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'max_allowed_packet';
the problem here is that not all the data are updated some ids have a value in the text file and not updated inside the MySQL database table so what can be the problem? those columns are null before the update so when I try to count how many not update I found 7M only which means some ids are not updated and also I did not get any error from the query, any help or suggestion to know why this happened, or if there is another way to it.
Thanks in advance. -
Use a prepared statement + db transaction. Your current approach is a big invitation for SQL injection.
First read the data into a QVector<struct> and then add it to the database:
QVector <MyStruct> data; while (!stream.atEnd()) { data += ... } QSqlDatabase db = ... db.beginTransaction() QSqlQuery q(db); if (q.prepare("UPDATE temp_table_copy SET street_name=:sn, house_number=:hn, postal_code=: pc, address_city=:ac, house=:house where id= :id")) return false; for (const auto &line : data) { q.bindValue(":sn", line.street_name); q.bindValue(":hn", line.house_number); ... q.exec(); } db.commit();
@saulos said in fast way to update 10M record in Mysql database using QT:
SQL don't spend time to recompile the SQL statement every time you call it
As you can see the statement is a prepared statement in my example - it's recompiled exactly once
One observation: you are doing 500MB's-worth of data read update statements inside a single transaction. I don't know what sort of behind-the-scenes usage that puts on your database. Do you want all of these updates to either succeed or fail as a single transaction? There are possibilities like taking a table lock for a large number of updates. Or there are "batch" operations, includeQSqlQuery::execBatch()
. You might like to investigate these possibilities. -
I was not referring to your code, it was just a generic suggestion :)