removing characters from string to keep digits
vers ="VER 3.3a on ABC"
#Then I try to remove all chars except ".0123456789"
#hoping that I can do vers.toFloat() and get 3.3But vers is untouched.. Qt 5.11.3 / 5.12.6
What is the correct way to extract the version number in this case? -
QString result; for (const QChar c : qAsConst(vers)) { if (c.isDigit() || c == '.') { result.append(c); } }
Apart from doing it @sierdzio's way --- which is certainly much better than attempting to enumerate a whole bunch of characters to remove in order to be left with only digits --- in answer to your question, your regular expression looks malformed to me, where you try to specify"
characters. (In fact, copying what you have here gives an "unterminated expression", so not sure what exactly you have.) That part would need to be (untested):QRegularExpression("[...\"\\]]")
Because of your
( <-- damn :( this comes out right in edit mode, but not after posting :( ), where it should be\\]]
, I suspect you have something like the character class enclosed by[...]
followed by something to do with\\
, and that's why it does not match.