QVTKOpenGlwindow and VTKimageviewer 2
General and Desktop
Hi everyone,
I have been struggling with using QVTKOpenGLWidget to display an image with the vtkImageViewer. My problem is basically that the image is loaded and everything created but it seems the rendering is never triggered and thus the display is black.
To summarize what I’ve done, I’ve created a vtkImageViewer2 which is the same as vtkImageViewer from VTK, only changing the vtkRenderWindow to be a vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow (required by the QVTKOpenGLWidget). Oh, and I am using Qt5.7, and VTK 8.0 release.
Would anyone have any clue on what could make this work (i.e. actually render something and display it) ?
Thanks in advance