Found interesting problem with childrenRect.height or childrenRect in general.
Apparently childrenRect does not get updated when deleting children and I think it is a Column within a Column where this occurs, but I cannot be sure. I noticed this when I was creating QQuickItems in C++. I thought I might be missing a call or signal. However it turns out I can reproduce this in QML only.
import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 Window { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: qsTr("Column Resize Testing") Component { id: dynamic_item Rectangle { width: text.width height: text.height color: "yellow" Text { id: text text: "text info" } } } function create_dynamic_item(){ dynamic_item.createObject(resized_subcolumn, {x: 20, y: 100}); } function deleteall_dynamic_items(){ var index console.log(resized_subcolumn.children) console.log(resized_subcolumn.children.length) for(index=0; index<resized_subcolumn.children.length; ++index){ console.log("deleting:",index, resized_subcolumn.children[index]) var child = resized_subcolumn.children[index] child.destroy(100) } console.log(resized_subcolumn.children.length) } Column { Button { height: 20 width: 100 text: "add item" onClicked: { create_dynamic_item() } } Button { height: 20 width: 100 text: "remove items" onClicked: { deleteall_dynamic_items() } } Item { id: resized_parent width: 200 //height: resized_column.height height: childrenRect.height onHeightChanged: { console.log(height) } Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "blue" } Column { id: resized_column Text { //width: 100 height: 20 text: "dynamic items:" } Column { id: resized_subcolumn } } } } }
Has anyone else dealt with this? Is there something obvious missing here?
The solution is to use the height of the column and only have the column as a child of the item.
I've never had the need to use childrenRect.
In your case use
height: resized_column.implicitHeight
for your resized_parent.Also don't manage manually the instanciation of dynamic objects with Component.createObject
Use a model with a ListView or Column + Repeater.
I've rewrote your code to something I prefer :
import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 Window { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: qsTr("Column Resize Testing") ListModel { id: listModel } Column { Button { text: "add item" onClicked: listModel.append({}) } Button { text: "remove items" onClicked: listModel.clear() } Rectangle { width: 200 height: column.implicitHeight color: "blue" onHeightChanged: console.log(height) Column { id: column anchors.fill: parent spacing: 5 Text { text: "dynamic items:" color: "white" padding: 8 } Repeater { model: listModel delegate: Rectangle { width: text.implicitWidth height: text.implicitHeight x: 20 color: "yellow" Text { id: text text: "text info" padding: 8 } } } } } } }
The code I posted just shows the problem. The actual code I had issues with was creating QtQuickItems in C++ and managing the lifetime in C++. I created the above code to illustrate the resize problem. Which is related to childrenRect not getting updated.
Your code is very interesting though. I will have to play with it to understand what it is doing. Thanks!
The code I posted just shows the problem. The actual code I had issues with was creating QtQuickItems in C++ and managing the lifetime in C++.
Don't do that, expose a model with your data in C++ and handle it in QML (with views, repeater, ...). Still, you should not really use
.@fcarney said in Found interesting problem with childrenRect.height or childrenRect in general.:
@GrecKo What about instancing Windows? I have been using createObject to create custom dialogs.
For instantiating non-Item from a model, you can use
Component {}
may be used when reacting to a signal, for example for displaying a popup when an error occured.Don't create QtQuick stuff from C++, just expose your data and signals / slots.
@GrecKo I don't understand this. I have tried to use the TreeView from controls 1 and it will not do what I want. I don't see how I can make a tree view type control using repeaters. There are a lot of things quick will not do that I have to do in C++.