Exposing C++ values to QML issue
Hello guys,
I have some strange issues with my actual project i'm sitting on. Maybe some of you could help me :) I've already read some blogs but unfortunately none of them could help me.
Actually the issue should be quite easy but I didn't get my mistake. I want to send the value of my AlertMessage class to the QML and display it. That's all. Unfortunately, I'm getting weird float values instead of the right double values.
Here are my classes. It would be awesome if someone could help me :Dmain.cpp
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); Subscriber subber(targetDir, ""); qmlRegisterType<AlertMessage>("io.qt.alertmessage", 1, 0, "AlertMessage"); QQmlApplicationEngine engine; engine.load(QUrl(QStringLiteral("PassengerUI/HeadUnit.qml"))); qDebug() << "--- Passenger UI started ---"; return app.exec(); }
To be more precise I've created an instance of my Subscriber class ('subber' above) which initiate an instance of my MessageHandler class ('m_handler' below) calling another class to read some local json files. At the end I'm storing my collected information in an instance of my AlertMessage class which then should be sent to my qml.
void Subscriber::readFromJsonFile(QString filePath) { if (filePath.isEmpty()) { filePath = QDir::currentPath(); } QString useCase; QFile file; file.setFileName(filePath + "/sub_message.json"); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); useCase = file.readAll(); file.close(); QJsonDocument useCaseDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(useCase.toUtf8()); QJsonObject useCaseObj = useCaseDoc.object(); m_handler->processReceivedMessages(useCaseObj); }
void MessageHandler::processReceivedMessages(QJsonObject jsonObject) { m_alertMessage->readDataFromJSONFormat(jsonObject); qDebug() << m_alertMessage->printout(); }
#ifndef ALERTMESSAGE_H #define ALERTMESSAGE_H #include <QString> #include <QJsonObject> #include <QObject> class AlertMessage : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QString messageType READ messageType WRITE setMessageType NOTIFY messageTypeChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString sender READ sender WRITE setSender NOTIFY senderChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString alertType READ alertType WRITE setAlertType NOTIFY alertTypeChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString id READ id WRITE setID NOTIFY idChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString origin READ origin WRITE setOrigin NOTIFY originChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString dataSource READ dataSource WRITE setDataSource NOTIFY dataSourceChanged) Q_PROPERTY(double distanceToEvent READ distanceToEvent WRITE setDistanceToEvent NOTIFY distanceToEventChanged) Q_PROPERTY(double severity READ severity WRITE setSeverity NOTIFY severityChanged) Q_PROPERTY(double azimuth READ azimuth WRITE setAzimuth NOTIFY azimuthChanged) Q_PROPERTY(double timeToEvent READ timeToEvent WRITE setTimeToEvent NOTIFY timeToEventChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int detailLevel READ detailLevel WRITE setDetailLevel NOTIFY detailLevelChanged) public: explicit AlertMessage(QObject *parent = nullptr); AlertMessage(QJsonObject &jsonObject); AlertMessage(std::string &JsonInfo); void cleanMessage(); void readDataFromJSONFormat(QJsonObject &jsonObject); void readDataFromJSONFormat(std::string &json); QString messageType() const; void setMessageType(const QString &messageType); QString sender() const; void setSender(const QString &sender); QString alertType() const; void setAlertType(const QString &alertType); QString id() const; void setID(const QString &id); QString origin() const; void setOrigin(const QString &origin); QString dataSource() const; void setDataSource(const QString &dataSource); double distanceToEvent() const; void setDistanceToEvent(const double &distance); double severity() const; void setSeverity(const double &severity); double azimuth() const; void setAzimuth(const double &azimuth); double timeToEvent() const; void setTimeToEvent(const double &time); int detailLevel() const; void setDetailLevel(const int &level); void setAlertReceived(const bool &fcw, const bool &rww, const bool &eebl); QString printout(); signals: void messageTypeChanged(); void senderChanged(); void alertTypeChanged(); void idChanged(); void originChanged(); void dataSourceChanged(); void distanceToEventChanged(); void severityChanged(); void azimuthChanged(); void timeToEventChanged(); void detailLevelChanged(); private: QString m_messageType; QString m_sender; QString m_alertType; QString m_id; QString m_origin; QString m_dataSource; double m_distanceToEvent; double m_severity; double m_azimuth; double m_timeToEvent; int m_detailLevel; bool m_fcwAvailable; bool m_rwwAvailable; bool m_eeblAvailable; }; #endif // ALERTMESSAGE_H
#include <QJsonObject> #include <QJsonDocument> #include <QDebug> #include "alertmessage.h" AlertMessage::AlertMessage(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { } AlertMessage::AlertMessage(QJsonObject &jsonObject): AlertMessage() { readDataFromJSONFormat(jsonObject); } AlertMessage::~AlertMessage() { cleanMessage(); } void AlertMessage::cleanMessage() { m_messageType = ""; m_sender = ""; m_alertType = ""; m_id = ""; m_origin = ""; m_dataSource = ""; m_distanceToEvent = 0; m_severity = 0; m_azimuth = 0; m_timeToEvent = 0; m_detailLevel = 0; m_fcwAvailable = false; m_rwwAvailable = false; m_eeblAvailable = false; } void AlertMessage::readDataFromJSONFormat(QJsonObject &jsonObject) { if (jsonObject.count() <= 0) { qDebug() << "AlertMessage::Wrong JSON-Array."; return; } cleanMessage(); setMessageType(jsonObject["type"].toString()); setSender(jsonObject["sender"].toString()); QJsonValue valueData = jsonObject.value(QString("data")); QJsonObject dataObject = valueData.toObject(); if (!dataObject.isEmpty()) { setAlertType(dataObject["alert"].toString()); setID(dataObject["id"].toString()); setOrigin(dataObject["origin"].toString()); setDataSource(dataObject["data_source"].toString()); setDistanceToEvent(dataObject["distance_to_event"].toDouble()); setSeverity(dataObject["severity"].toDouble()); setAzimuth(dataObject["azimuth"].toDouble()); setTimeToEvent(dataObject["time_to_event"].toDouble()); QJsonValue detailValue = dataObject.value(QString("detail")); QJsonObject detailObject = detailValue.toObject(); if (!detailObject.isEmpty()) { setDetailLevel(detailObject["level"].toInt()); } } } QString AlertMessage::messageType() const { return m_messageType; } void AlertMessage::setMessageType(const QString &messageType) { if (m_messageType != messageType) { m_messageType = messageType; emit messageTypeChanged(); } return; }
Do not wonder. I've created for every variable an own getter and setter method like above. I posted only one example to keep my post clear :D
On the C++ side everything seems to work fine. The data was stored successful to my alertmessage instance. I've debugged the values and got this.
"** AlertMessage begin**\nMessageType = ALERT\nSender = \nAlertType = FCW\nID = \nOrigin = Cohda_TA\nDataSource = \nDistance_To_Event = 55.2\nSeverity = 9\nAzimuth = 25.5434\nTime_To_Event = 20.3\nDetailLevel = 0\nFCWAvailable = 0\nRWWAvailable = 0\nEEBLAvailable = 0\n** AlertMessage end **\n"But on the QML side there are some strange output:
qml: QML:1.6911919422062236e-306, ... and so on.I hope you can help me.
Best regards,
Thanni -
Since you don't initialize your members I would guess "if (!dataObject.isEmpty())" is false so your values will not be set so you see the uninitialized data in your qml
Please properly initialize the members in the ctor and see if the 'strange' values disappear.
I initialized all members but I still didn't get any values displayed on the qml side ...
AlertMessage::AlertMessage(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_messageType(""), m_sender(""), m_alertType(""), m_id(""), m_origin(""), m_dataSource(""), m_distanceToEvent(0), m_severity(0), m_azimuth(0), m_timeToEvent(0) { }
Here is a snippet of my QML code
import QtQuick 2.0 import io.qt.alertmessage 1.0 import "../BasicItems" import "../ModellingItems" import "../../WarningCalc.js" as WarningCalcer Rectangle { id: informationCellArea property int informationTextHeaderSize: 10 property int informationTextSize: 17 property int itemHeight: parent.height/4 property int headerToTextMargin: 10 property string senderString property string distanceString property string timeString property string descriptionString property string trafficSignString property int severityInt color: "transparent" radius: 10 AlertMessage { id: alertMessage } Item { id: distanceArea width: parent.width/2 height: itemHeight anchors.left: parent.left anchors.bottom: descriptionUseCaseArea.top HMIText { id: distanceTextHeader text: "Distance to event" fontSize: informationTextHeaderSize anchors.centerIn: parent } HMIText { id: distanceText text: alertMessage.distanceToEvent + " m" fontSize: informationTextSize useFontBold: true anchors.top: distanceTextHeader.bottom anchors.topMargin: headerToTextMargin anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter onTextChanged: { console.log("QML:" + distanceString); } } } }
@Thanni123 said in Exposing C++ values to QML issue:
get any values displayed on the qml side ...
You don't see any double value or you don't see the strange values anymore? Please initialize one string to something other than an empty string.
@fcarney I've posted the method declaration above and the printout method is only a debug method to display if the values were set.
I think I did a mistake during initializing an object of my AlertMessage class but I didn't get my fault yet... It must be some stupid mistake I've done.
@Thanni123 said in Exposing C++ values to QML issue:
But if I try to set the values with the json file the value mentioned above appear or the value equals 0.
The problem is in readDataFromJSONFormat and/or printout. If you want help you need to show what is in those. So far nothing you have posted shows any problems.
Hey, I don't get your point exactly but here is the source code of your request for both methods including the output for the printout mehtod.
void AlertMessage::readDataFromJSONFormat(const QJsonObject &jsonObject) { if (jsonObject.count() <= 0) { qDebug() << "AlertMessage::Wrong JSON-Array."; return; } cleanMessage(); setMessageType(jsonObject["type"].toString()); setSender(jsonObject["sender"].toString()); QJsonValue valueData = jsonObject.value(QString("data")); QJsonObject dataObject = valueData.toObject(); if (!dataObject.isEmpty()) { setAlertType(dataObject["alert"].toString()); setID(dataObject["id"].toString()); setOrigin(dataObject["origin"].toString()); setDataSource(dataObject["data_source"].toString()); setDistanceToEvent(dataObject["distance_to_event"].toDouble()); setSeverity(dataObject["severity"].toDouble()); setAzimuth(dataObject["azimuth"].toDouble()); setTimeToEvent(dataObject["time_to_event"].toDouble()); QJsonValue detailValue = dataObject.value(QString("detail")); QJsonObject detailObject = detailValue.toObject(); if (!detailObject.isEmpty()) { setDetailLevel(detailObject["level"].toInt()); } } }
QString AlertMessage::printout() { QString print = "** AlertMessage begin**\n"; print += "MessageType = " + QString("%1").arg(this->messageType()) + "\n"; print += "Sender = " + QString("%1").arg(this->sender()) + "\n"; print += "AlertType = " + QString("%1").arg(this->alertType()) + "\n"; print += "ID = " + QString("%1").arg(this->id()) + "\n"; print += "Origin = " + QString("%1").arg(this->origin()) + "\n"; print += "DataSource = " + QString("%1").arg(this->dataSource()) + "\n"; print += "Distance_To_Event = " + QString("%1").arg(this->distanceToEvent()) + "\n"; print += "Severity = " + QString("%1").arg(this->severity()) + "\n"; print += "Azimuth = " + QString("%1").arg(this->azimuth()) + "\n"; print += "Time_To_Event = " + QString("%1").arg(this->timeToEvent()) + "\n"; print += "DetailLevel = " + QString("%1").arg(this->detailLevel()) + "\n"; print += "FCWAvailable = " + QString("%1").arg(this->fcwReceived()) + "\n"; print += "RWWAvailable = " + QString("%1").arg(this->rwwReceived()) + "\n"; print += "EEBLAvailable = " + QString("%1").arg(this->eeblReceived()) + "\n"; print += "** AlertMessage end **\n"; return print; }
The output for my printout method:
QDateTime(2020-02-18 00:15:02.786 Mitteleuropäische Zeit Qt::LocalTime) "** AlertMessage begin**\nMessageType = ALERT\nSender = \nAlertType = FCW\nID = \nOrigin = Cohda_TA\nDataSource = \nDistance_To_Event = 55.2\nSeverity = 9\nAzimuth = 25.5434\nTime_To_Event = 20.3\nDetailLevel = 0\nFCWAvailable = 0\nRWWAvailable = 0\nEEBLAvailable = 0\n** AlertMessage end **\n"
Hope this helps somehow :)
I cannot see anything wrong in this code. All I can think is do a make clean, qmake, make project and see if this gets any better. I don't see any variables such as references exceeding their lifetime or anything. Sorry I cannot be more helpful. This should just work.
I think I figured out the issue but I don't know how to solve it. It's relying on this call in the main.cpp.
qmlRegisterType<AlertMessage>("io.qt.alertmessage", 1, 0, "AlertMessage");
This method uses the standard constructor of my AlertMessage class without the QJsonObject as a parameter. I need to define my custom constructor but I get stuck with some errors ...
If I don't use my custom constructor it will always initiliaze without any values set. -
@Thanni123 said in Exposing C++ values to QML issue:
If I don't use my custom constructor it will always initiliaze without any values set.
This is exactly what @Christian-Ehrlicher has ask you to do: always initialize your member variables in constructor this is for all constructors.
So if you add a call to clearMessage() in your default constructor, you will probably solve your issue.