Convert 64 Byte QByteArray to two 32 Byte int
I have a 64 byte long QByteArray. Something like this:
QByteArray sig = QByteArray::fromHex("3045022100f209c63ebba931be2b6bb6fffbe1d7e45a45e9ea48b835280d954ca7058953eb02204a145da934c1104a4d2253663bc0db4136b52cd62fe32cf383");
Now I have to split it into two 32 Byte long QByteArray's
QByteArray r = sig.mid(0, 32); QByteArray s = sig.mid(32, 32);
Then I have to convert the QByteArray r and s into a big int.
And then I have to do some calculation on r and s and convert them back into a QByteArray.
How can I do this?
@Infinity said in Convert 64 Byte QByteArray to two 32 Byte int:
Now I have to split it into two 32 Byte long QByteArray's
Then rather you intend:
QByteArray s = sig.mid(32, 32);
Then I have to convert the QByteArray r and s into a big int.
Define "big int". You have 32 bytes (each) now. On a 64-bit machine
s go up to 8 bytes long. (Actually, it looks like mostlyint
will only be 32-bit, and even the largest language-supportedlong long [int]
will, I think, only be 64-bits --- see e.g. So are you going to user some higher-precision numerical library? (E.g. I imagine boost might offer this.) " convert them back into a QByteArray" will depend on the package you use. -
How should this fit into a int64_t? A 64-bit (signed) integer can be max. 9223372036854775807 (hex: 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) and your QByteArray is 32 Bytes long.
Here is how I solved the problem. Just in case someone else faces a similar problem.
QByteArray sig = QByteArray::fromHex("3045022100f209c63ebba931be2b6bb6fffbe1d7e45a45e9ea48b835280d954ca7058953eb02204a145da934c1104a4d2253663bc0db4136b52cd62fe32cf383"); QByteArray rByteArray = sig.mid(0, 32); QByteArray sByteArray = sig.mid(32, 32); qDebug().noquote() << "r hex :" << rByteArray.toHex(); qDebug().noquote() << "s hex :" << sByteArray.toHex(); // Create a cpp_int boost::multiprecision::cpp_int r("0x" + rByteArray.toHex().toStdString()); // Create a cpp_int boost::multiprecision::cpp_int s("0x" + sByteArray.toHex().toStdString()); boost::multiprecision::cpp_int sum; sum = r + s; // Convert a cpp_int to a QByteArray std::string str; std::stringstream stream; stream << std::hex << sum; str = stream.str(); return QByteArray::fromStdString(str);
Why to conversion to QString and std::string at all? cpp_int takes a const char * afaics.
@Christian-Ehrlicher I need to insert "0x" at the beginning. Could I also insert it directly in the QByteArray?
@Infinity said in Convert 64 Byte QByteArray to two 32 Byte int:
Could I also insert it directly in the QByteArray?
What's wrong with the documentation?
@Christian-Ehrlicher Thank you very much. I changed the example above accordingly. How does that look like?