Missing examples and help documents in Fedora
Hello, I'm trying to set a QT development environment in Fedora Linux (version 31). After installing qt5-devel and qt-creator packages there aren't any examples and help pages in creator, i have downloaded a few different packages for documents and examples but QML documentation (like QML Gauge) are still missing even with those packages. Web search doesn't help with it, how can i get an environment with all help documents like in Windows or Arch Linux ? I can use said parts (like QML Gauge) but there aren't any help for them (like searching them from Help tab or clicking F1).
Hi and welcome to devnet forum
AFAIK you should be able to install qt creator and Qt libs with the linux maintenance tool. This should be complete.
Are you on 32 bit or 64 bit linux?
32 bit binaries stopped at earlier versions, but for 64 bit you shall be fine. -
For Fedora 34 the following helped:
sudo dnf install qt5-qtbase-doc qt5-qtbase-examples