destroyed while one of its QML signal handlers is in progress
I have a StackView in my project and sometimes i push a new page or pop a page from that ... and it is working normally and fine.
but sometimes in some pages i call a non return function (void) a from a c++ class (i defined it in public slots part in header) ... when i poping that page, if the function is not finished yet whole of the app crashes and write this error in output console:
destroyed while one of its QML signal handlers is in progress. Most likely the object was deleted synchronously (use QObject::deleteLater() instead), or the application is running a nested event loop. This behavior is NOT supported! qrc:/Posts.qml:387: function() { [native code] }
What's wrong with me?
finaly I fixed it myself:
we can call function from another function withQMetaObject::invokeMethod
In this way, qml item no longer waits for the cpp function to end,
for example:void MyClass::functionA(QString url,QString allParams) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod( this, "functionAـreal",Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG( QString, url ), Q_ARG( QString, allParams )); } void MyClass::functionAـreal(QString url,QString allParams) { .............. Things that take longer }
Had the same issue, and used your solution to solve the problem. Thanks.
One thing that worth mentioning here is that if you use
to run a method, you should declare that method as a slot in your class definition for it to work. -
Worked for me perfectly too.
@lotfollah thanks for mentioning that the function that should be used with QMetaObject should be a slot.