Mobility API not present in Nokia Qt SDK
I'm short of new to Qt and definitely to all the new changes that happened recently.
I'm trying to create an app for the mobile (symbian) that involves camera recording - buffering, so I downloaded Nokia Qt SDK.
As I've read you need to mobility API to mess with mobile features like messaging , camera bluetooth etc, which is suposed to be embedded in Nokia Qt SDK.
The problem is when I type
@#include <QCamera>@
or anything related to mobility, It isn't recognized. I tried searching for the file qcamera.h or cpp and it isn't there.
I also added to the .pro file these lines:
QT += multimediaCONFIG += mobility
MOBILITY += multimedia
symbian:TARGET.CAPABILITY += NetworkServices \ ReadUserData \ WriteUserData \ UserEnvironment \ ReadDeviceData \ WriteDeviceData
@So am I missing something?
Hi codestian,
Maybe you did not select to install the mobility apis in the Nokia Qt SDK setup.
You can install it now. Open Qt Creator, go to Help -> Start Updater, package manager tab, then check APIs->Qt Mobility APIs and 'next' to finish the process.
anselmolsm, do you mean to say that I can install mobility directly from within Qt Creator? I do not see the option you are referencing, is it absent in os x?
[quote author="anselmolsm" date="1286218228"]Hi codestian,
Maybe you did not select to install the mobility apis in the Nokia Qt SDK setup.
You can install it now. Open Qt Creator, go to Help -> Start Updater, package manager tab, then check APIs->Qt Mobility APIs and 'next' to finish the process.[/quote]