How to convert QPainter(self) to QImage?
I want to apply blur to a version of my painted circle to be placed under the original circle for additional effect. Because I couldn't find a way to directly apply a blur filter to QPainter, or the widget, I found this method:
blur = QtWidgets.QGraphicsBlurEffect() blur.setBlurRadius(20) result = applyEffectToImage(img, blur)"N:/sample.bmp") def applyEffectToImage(src, effect): scene = QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene() item = QtWidgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem() item.setPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(src)) item.setGraphicsEffect(effect) scene.addItem(item) res = QImage(src.size(), QImage.Format_ARGB32) res.fill(Qt.transparent) ptr = QPainter(res) scene.render(ptr, QRectF(), QRectF(0,0, src.width(), src.height()) ) return res
But if I create an img and pass it to QPainter, it will have the same artifact shown here: I must use QPainter(self).
How can I convert my QPainter(self) to a QImage?
I just want to draw a circle (which I did), blur it, place this blurry version under the original circle. Is there a simpler or better way to do this other than this?
Thanks in advance.
QPainter(self) is highly dependent upon what self is. Have you reviewed the QPainter and QPaintDevice documentation?
You seem to not understand what QPainter is or what it does, QPainter is a painter who paints on a canvas(self object) that can be a QImage, QPixmap, QWidget, etc. so you cannot convert the painter into QImage, what you can do is convert the canvas to QImage.