How to add tooltip to QtCreator main editor
I need to write refactoring plugin with my own refactoring rules.
After some AST constructions have found I need to make bulb indicator as shown in the picture. Also I need to view a tooltip.
So what way I should go?
It seems to me that if I will realize Core::IEditorFactory and Core::IEditor interface I will get access to new editor tab. But I also need all QtCreator features. -
I find cppeditor plugin realizes CppEditorFactory realizes TextEditorFactory. But there is no exported Factory using ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::addObject. Do I need to use inheritance from CppEditorFactory to write my own Factory? (i.e. is it right way to use CppEditorFactory with it`s full funcionallity as base class for my Factory? -
Hi @petroff,
you should probably ask these questions at the Qt Creator mailing list, where the developers reside.
This forum is more user orientated.