QtVirtualKeyboard over my widget
Hello to everyone,
I'm trying to understand how to move the QtVirtaulKeyboard or my widget because when the keyboard show up hide my widgets.
Do you know a way to work around the problem?
The application is a Qt Widget (C++).To enable the Qt virtual keyboard add the "virtualkeyboard" in .pro file.
QT += core gui virtualkeyboard
and add the "qputenv("QT_IM_MODULE", QByteArray("qtvirtualkeyboard"));" line to the main.cpp.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { qputenv("QT_IM_MODULE", QByteArray("qtvirtualkeyboard")); QApplication a(argc, argv); MainWindow w; w.show(); return a.exec(); }
Run the application and... this is the problem.
Thank you for any advice.

have you seen this (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57161308/virtual-keyboard-or-onscreen-keyboard-for-qtwidgets-applications)?
This solution moves your widget upwards until your input field is above the virtual keyboard bounding rect.
S SGaist referenced this topic on