Panes/Ids dont seem to work with objects crated from a C++ context
I have a QContextObject which was created by a C++ backend and which I instantiate in qml via Qt.createInstance..
This all works fine, however there are some strange things I see as inconsistent behaviour.-
I can not access other objects ids from these objects. id.parent works fine and i can manipulate objects through this, but ids for other objects dont seem to work.
Furthermore I can not seem to manipulate Pane objects in qml. What I mean by this is that when I have a parent object Item i can set the foucs property via id.parent.focus = .. However, when I make this Item object a Pane, this does not seem to work. Similar things happen for the ObjectName property. It does not return the correct object name for Pane Objects.
Is there any explanation for these two problems?
I don't know about 2. But 1. is correct behaviour. IDs are not visible to C++ code and are only visible to QML code when in scope (in the same file). It's annoying at times, but it is a design decision. You can get around this by:
- using objectName() and findChildren() to get the objects you want
- use qml-private module to get the APIs for real IDs. This is discouraged though
@sierdzio said in Panes/Ids dont seem to work with objects crated from a C++ context:
I don't know about 2. But 1. is correct behaviour. IDs are not visible to C++ code and are only visible to QML code when in scope (in the same file). It's annoying at times, but it is a design decision. You can get around this by:
I see, just to clarify: I am trying to access the ids in qml but the context was created in C++. I am not trying to access ids from C++
Oh hm ok, I misunderstood you, then. I'm not sure if my argument holds in such case. Perhaps it is a Qt bug.
Can you share some code, so we can see what you try to do and how? Maybe that will help.
So I crate my context as such:
auto rootObj = qmlApplicationEngine.rootObjects().first(); auto child = rootObj->findChild<QObject*>("eRectObj"); auto component = QSharedPointer<QQmlComponent>(new QQmlComponent(qmlApplicationEngine.rootContext()->engine(), QUrl::fromLocalFile(":/qml/ComponentItem.qml"), QQmlComponent::CompilationMode::PreferSynchronous, child));>setParent(child); mItems.append({ QStringLiteral("component 1"), QStringLiteral("ComponentItem.qml"), component }); mItems.append({ QStringLiteral("component 2"), QStringLiteral("ComponentItem.qml"), component });
Then I create an instance in qml via:
var component = componentDisplay.componentObject; draggedItem = component.createObject(eRect, {"image": componentDisplay.image, name: componentDisplay.displayName, x: posnInWindow.x, y: posnInWindow.y});
My main.qml looks like this:
// Pane does not seem to work correctly with C++ integration Item { id: ePane //focus: true objectName: "ePaneObj" Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.preferredHeight: 600 Layout.preferredWidth: 600 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop // When not using a Pane we have to set these margins explicitly Layout.topMargin: 11; Layout.bottomMargin: 11; Item { id: eItem anchors.fill: parent objectName: "eItemObj" implicitHeight: parent.height implicitWidth: parent.width Rectangle { id: eRect objectName: "eRectObj" implicitWidth: parent.width implicitHeight: parent.height color: "white" border.color: "black" MouseArea { id: ePaneMouseArea anchors.fill: parent } } } Keys.onPressed: { if(event.key === Qt.Key_D) { for(var i = 1; i < eRect.children.length; i++){ var child = eRect.children[i]; if(child.focus){ child.destroy(); } } } } }
When I want to access the ids of main.qml via:
//ePane.focus = true // Apparently ids dont work dynamically crated objects from c++ contexts componentItem.parent.parent.parent.focus = true;
is defined in main.qml? And where do you call thatePane.focus = true
, also in main.qml? -
I call ePane.focus = true in a javascript file associated with the instance I create via component.createObject. Its similar to the drag and drop example from the QT:
Except that the object components which the instances are crated form are stored in a c++ ListModel similar to (also a QT example)
I see. IDs in separate JS files do work, indeed, as long as the ID comes from the QML file which includes the script.
I don't think I know how to help, sorry :-( Perhaps it is indeed something about initialization on C++ side, or I still misunderstand what's going on, I don't know.