How to accelerate the selection in the QTableView ?
I use the MVC to show a bund of of filenames , and there are opertions of selecting all and dissecting all in the CTableView . The number of files may thousands , so , I write a thread to do these ,like:
for (int row = 0; row < m_ImgMgr->m_TableModel->rowCount(); row++) { //QtSleep(5); for (int column = 0; column < m_ImgMgr->m_TableModel->columnCount(); column++) { //LogLog( QString(" sel 1") ) ; m_ImgMgr->listImages2->selectionModel()->select(m_ImgMgr->listImages2->model()->index(row, column), QItemSelectionModel::Select); } //LogLog(QString(" sel 2")); m_ImgMgr->labelImageIndex->setText(QString::number(row+1) + QString("/") + QString::number(m_ImgMgr->m_TableModel->rowCount())); //LogLog(QString(" sel 3")); }
but consuming time is not acceptable . And if the number is very large , the operation seems become more and more slowly by the end of the loop , it can be seen by the count number displayed in the GUI .
I also tried like below:
QItemSelection sel = m_ImgMgr->listImages2->selectionModel()->selection( ) ; QModelIndex topleft = m_ImgMgr->listImages2->model()->index( 0 , 0 ) ; QModelIndex bottonright = m_ImgMgr->listImages2->model()->index(m_ImgMgr->m_TableModel->rowCount(), 3 ) ; topleft , bottonright ) ;
no funtional.
I can't reproduce the problem. try this minimal example and see if it works for you:
#include <QTableView> #include <QVBoxLayout> #include <QStandardItemModel> #include <QApplication> #include <QPushButton> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); QWidget mainWid; QAbstractItemModel* model = new QStandardItemModel(&mainWid); model->insertColumns(0,4); model->insertRows(0,5000); for(int rowIter = 0, maxRow = model->rowCount();rowIter<maxRow;++rowIter){ for(int colIter = 0, maxCol = model->columnCount();colIter<maxCol;++colIter){ model->setData(model->index(rowIter,colIter),QStringLiteral("%1,%2").arg(rowIter+1).arg(colIter+1)); } } QTableView* table = new QTableView(&mainWid); table->setModel(model); QPushButton* selectAllButton = new QPushButton(QStringLiteral("Select All"),&mainWid); QObject::connect(selectAllButton,&QPushButton::clicked,table,[table]()->void{ const QItemSelection selec(table->model()->index(0,0),table->model()->index(table->model()->rowCount()-1,table->model()->columnCount()-1)); table->selectionModel()->select(selec,QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect); }); QVBoxLayout* mainLay = new QVBoxLayout(&mainWid); mainLay->addWidget(selectAllButton); mainLay->addWidget(table);; return a.exec(); }
I write a thread to do these
Don't do GUI operations in secondary threads
How should your second approach work when you don't pass it to the selection model?
And doing stuff for a model/view in a thread will not work out of the box since the models and views are not threadsafe -
@VRonin said in How to accelerate the selection in the QTableView ?:
QTableView* table = new QTableView(&mainWid);
So great , I am still totally ignorant to MVC .
Really apreciation.
thanks for your suggestion.