Qt Quick + QMl DataBase Tutorial
hey guys sorry for sudden Post but was Wondering if There is any Good Ttutorial With Proper Explaination About Connecting to Mysql From Qml + C++ aside From wiki. srsly This is really starting to be annoying like there is no video site or anything regarding about This and after i searched a bit about it in google i showed only 2 video on youtube either for QWidget or Something else Like what????this is first Time i ever seen something like this I have been trying so hard over the pas 3 Months to learn qt Quick + Qml and srsly No offense but u guys really do suck at Making Documents With Proper Explaination.Document is poorly made and the most part im looking at is explained just in one line and it didi't explained anything. and community on gitter slack and telegram are dead like literrally Dead !
so my Question is this Can u guys give me Like Give me Link Video or Anything that Explains properly srsly 3 months of my life and nothing Absolutely I have Nothing to show and in the first place why there is not Like 1 video i mean i swear in god not even single video tutorial regarding Qt Quick or qml is in Youtube?
best regards hope u guys Come in Sense And start Doing something cuz im srsly starting to think that crappy Electtron is starting to Mean something here at least it has community Videos and alot of things .....
i even buyed book For Qt Quick + Qml And On the Data Part The explaination is like 2 3 like ?> and im like What?
So Please For The Love of God start Working on This Dmn Technologies This is not What Qt Quick + Qml Deserve it needs some More Love Show Him MOre Love i mean srsly Please please I dont wanna go around Electron Please !!! :D
start Making Some Videos Idk Tutorials Books Explained Properly About not Just Data Connection but in any Field !A.K.A :: im Desktop Developer And After Working on Winform Wpf Uwpf Javafx Electron And now Qt Quick I started Loving Qt Quick + QMl For Alot of Things but The Tutorial is under zero ! Im starting to Think Like Go back On electron Cuz Qt Quick Community Is Dead Like Literally Dead Like Find Single Video Regarding about Qt Quick Qml I mean it .
Best Regards
Go to the "Welcome" screen of Qt Creator (I am using Qt 5.12.x). Search for model view and check out the examples that have quick as a tag. Then go back to the "Welcome" screen and search for sql. Check out the table view ones. You will have to replace the Widget based stuff with Quick based stuff. Those examples should be enough to extrapolate what you need to make database app using QtQuick.
@MoHaMMaD-Moori said in Qt Quick + QMl DataBase Tutorial: