PBSTableView - QTableView with many extension
3rd Party Software
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QTableView with many extension
- Filter Row
- Footer Row
- Column Auto Width
- Enable/Disable Sort
- Auto Edit
- Quick Customize
- Add New Row (Down Key Presses On Last Row if not have new row)
- Delete Row (Ctrl+Del)
- Column Alignment
- Column Formatting
- Default Editor
- Export Table (xls, xml, Excel Xml, Word Xml, HTML, CSV, PDF, Text)
- Print Table
- Load/Save State
- Filter Box
- ReadOnly Columns
- Focused Columns
- Move Column
- Footer Vaue (None, Sum, Min, Max, Average)
- Goto Next Col On Enter Key
- Goto Next First Column on Enter Press On Last Col
Default Editor
Header Menu
Footer Menu
Table Print Preview
Filter Box
Quick Customize
Hi, thanks for the contribution
While the product is open source so I doubt anybody will ever create problems to you, you are embedding 3rd party software (https://github.com/QtExcel/QXlsx) that has a specific license and you are technically in breach (MIT is so easy to comply to there is no real reason not to do it)
I had a quick look at the code,PBSCalculateThread
should not call directly methods of an item that is owned by the main thread and even impacts the widget aspect. -
3Rd Party Tools
3rd party software (https://github.com/QtExcel/QXlsx)
KDE - KODfNumberFormat
KDE - Some Utils