Deploy to remote and run in terminal (as root!)?
I set up a crosscompile enviroment between my desktop-pc Qt-Creator and a RaspberryPi2 as described in this Guide.
So I can already write,compile and deploy my code from my desktop-pc to the RaspberryPi, thats works flawlessly.
The problem is I NEED to run the deployed executable:
with argument "--platform xcb"
as root
because it accesses the bcm2835 library for SPI access, so there is no way around root.
Is that possible at all?I normally would use "run in terminal" and then add a "-e sudo" if I would run it locally but with a deployed executable there is no such an option.
I tried to invoke "Alternate executable on device" and used various commands like:
/usr/bin/xterm -e sudo /home/pi/adas0002 --platform xcb
but then I get
Starting /usr/bin/xterm -e sudo /home/pi/adas0002 --platform xcb... bash: /usr/bin/xterm -e sudo /home/pi/adas0002 --platform xcb: File or directory not found 13:22:40: Application finished with exit code 127.
The executable is succesfuly transfered to the RaspberryPi and is in /home/pi and I can actually execute it with the same command directly on the Raspberry without problems...
I somehow workaround it.
On the RaspberryPi I created a bash script in /usr/bin:/usr/bin/x5
#!/bin/bash xhost +local: sudo /home/pi/adas0002 --platform xcb
I made it executable and then on my Desktop-Pc in Qt-Creator
I have "/usr/bin/x5" in "Alternate executable on device".Now my application starts with root even without invoking any terminal.
I know this is very bad in security point of view but I dont care on my little offline