Can I create a frame with qt?
QTitanRibbon is cool but also a bit expensive.
samples here. (scroll down a bit) home made simple version, see -
@mrjj a question...I want a frame on the left..but I don't understand how I must add it:
I did:
and then:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) , ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); // Hide ribbon dock title bar ui->ribbonDockWidget->setTitleBarWidget(new QWidget()); ui->dockWidget->setTitleBarWidget(new QWidget()); ui->frame_left->addTab(QIcon(":/icons/briefcase_1.svg"), "Project"); ui->frame_left->addTab(QIcon(":/icons/monitor_1.svg"), "View"); ui->frame_left->addTab(QIcon(":/icons/engineering_1.svg"), "Tools"); ui->frame_left->addTab(QIcon(":/icons/information_1.svg"), "Help");
but when I run there isn't my dock
@vale88 I adjusted:
I wrote:QToolButton *open1ProjectButton = new QToolButton; connect(openProjectButton,&QToolButton::clicked,this,&MainWindow::label); open1ProjectButton->setText(tr("Open")); open1ProjectButton->setToolTip(tr("Open existing project")); open1ProjectButton->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/live_folder_2.svg")); open1ProjectButton->setEnabled(true); ui->frame_left->addButton("Project", "Project", open1ProjectButton);
I must put object on vertical
I dont think sample supports vertical alignment.
The paint code does not seems to support it. -
Well RibbonGroupGroup first.
Use stylesheet.
I didnt check what rest of the grey is. i assume its the TabWidget.
I just open the Ui file and right click on top widget and then
change style sheet and then click background color -
Also the same for
You mean on the tabs?
or on the buttons Open , New etc ? -
Its actually just normal QToolButtons with
autoRaise set to true.