Planned maintenance - 29th August 22:00 CEST
Now that the upgrade to v1.7.x seems to have been dealt with, the next step is to move to v1.8.x. All being well this will be done on the 29th August at 22.00 CEST. It is later than usual due to my working hours this week.
That took longer than planned (web service updating, go figure) but everything should be fine now and I learnt something the hard way for next time :)
What did you learn ?
That if something is not working after a push to production I did something wrong without realising and its not because the server is a pain.
That said, I found out why the voting arrows originally changed color and that was not strictly speaking my fault for once.
Just 4 more upgrades to go until its finally up to date!
Well, from time to time, we do errors ourselves :-D
From the looks of it, they are going pretty smoothly !
Thanks! It will get easier once we are caught up as it will happen less often and I can be sure everything is properly in sync then. This one should have been straight forward had I not made a mistake that I then compounded until I caught it :)