[Suggestion] Make splitters in Qt Creator with hot tacking and little widely
I suggest to make splitters more widely, because sometimes it's realy hard to hit them with the mouse.
I have to very carefully aiming on it, and it's very annoying.
Maybe make splitters supporting hot tracking, for better visibility.
For example: when help widget opens and I want to resize it, I had to aims on splitter for that action.
And I create this suggestion in "Jira":https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCREATORBUG-6369?focusedCommentId=166204#comment-166204
How you look at this proposal? -
We look at the entries in JIRA, so you did exactly the right thing by logging it there:-)
[quote author="Andre" date="1319195927"]It should at least become a bit clearer where splitters exist. For instance, if you have the search box open in a code editor, the splitter is under the search box. That is not obvious at all though...[/quote]
For that case I think it will be suitable to have hot tracking, like standart QSplitter. -
I guess it a change in the cursors (that would be handy at least): Qt::ArrowCursor vs Qt::SplitVCursor and Qt::SplitHCursor (see [[Doc:QCursor]] for images).
Right now, the cursor does not change when hovering over a splitter, so nobody "sees" that there is one.
IIRC there are bug reports about these issues in JIRA for ages! It is not so straight forward to do due to the custom themeing we do, or so I was told.
Feel free to "provide some patches":https://codereview.qt-project.org/ to fix this;-)
[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1319361096"]IIRC there are bug reports about these issues in JIRA for ages! It is not so straight forward to do due to the custom themeing we do, or so I was told.
Feel free to "provide some patches":https://codereview.qt-project.org/ to fix this;-)[/quote]
Thanks Tobias, I'll think about it as soon as I find time (right now I have many work, little daughter :) and English language courses, so it's a bit difficult with time :-) )