QML Tableview: How to correlate checkbox click and table selection
I use TableView,listmodel,itemdelegate,rowdelegate and headerdelegate to create a table. The first column is checkbox. There is a question: when I click checkbox, the corresponding row won't be selected;and when i click one row, the corresponding checkbox won't be selected. I want to correlate (synchronize) checkbox click and table selection.
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.LocalStorage 2.0
import "Database.js" as JSWindow {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("Table")Rectangle{ id: root //anchors.fill: parent width:600 height:300 anchors.centerIn:parent property var background: "#d7e3bc" property var alterBackground: "white" property var highlight: "#e4f7d6" property var normalG: Gradient{ GradientStop{position: 0.0; color: "#c7d3ac"} GradientStop{position: 1.0; color: "#F0F0F0"} } property var hoverG: Gradient{ GradientStop{position: 0.0; color: "white"} GradientStop{position: 1.0; color: "#d7e3bc"} } property var pressG: Gradient{ GradientStop{position: 0.0; color: "#d7e3bc"} GradientStop{position: 1.0; color: "white"} } TableView{ //定义table的显示,包括定制外观 id: studyBrowserTable anchors.fill: parent focus: true selectionMode: SelectionMode.MultiSelection
// onSelectionChanged: {
// studyBrowserTable.selection.forEach( function(rowIndex) { } )
// //studyBrowserTable.currentRow
// }TableViewColumn { id:checkcolumn1 role: "check" title: "" width:50 delegate: Item { anchors.fill: parent CheckBox { id:checkbox //anchors.fill:parent anchors.centerIn: parent checked: true
// onClicked: {
// }
} } } TableViewColumn{role: "patiendID"; title: "Patiend ID"; width: 100; elideMode: Text.ElideRight;} TableViewColumn{role: "patientName"; title: "Patient Name"; width: 100; elideMode: Text.ElideRight;} TableViewColumn{role: "dob";title: "DOB"; width: 100; elideMode: Text.ElideRight;} TableViewColumn{role: "sex";title: "Sex"; width: 100; elideMode: Text.ElideRight;} TableViewColumn{role: "scanningTime";title: "Scanning Time"; width: 100; elideMode: Text.ElideRight;} TableViewColumn{role: "examStatus";title: "Exam Status"; width: 100; elideMode: Text.ElideRight;} TableViewColumn{role: "dicomExportStatus";title: "DICOM Exported Status"; width: 150; elideMode: Text.ElideRight;} TableViewColumn{role: "importedTime";title: "Imported Time"; width: 100; elideMode: Text.ElideRight;} itemDelegate: Rectangle{ id:itemdelegate border.color: "black" border.width: 1 color: styleData.selected? root.highlight :"white" Text{ anchors.centerIn : parent text: styleData.value color: styleData.selected ? "red" : "black" elide: Text.ElideRight } } rowDelegate: Rectangle{ height: 40 border.color: "black" border.width: 1
// MouseArea {
// anchors.fill: parent
// onClicked: studyBrowserModel.setProperty(studyBrowserTable.selection, "check", checkbox.checked=!(checkbox.checked) )
// }} headerDelegate: Rectangle{ implicitWidth: 100 implicitHeight: 40 border.color: "black" border.width: 1 Text{ anchors.centerIn: parent text: styleData.value color: styleData.pressed ?"red" : "blue" font.bold: true } }//header delegate is end model: ListModel{ id: studyBrowserModel Component.onCompleted: JS.dbReadAll() }//listmodel is end } Row{ id:buttonGroup anchors.top:root.bottom anchors.topMargin: 20 anchors.horizontalCenter: root.horizontalCenter spacing:80 Button{ id:read Text{ text:"Read" anchors.centerIn: parent } onClicked:{ JS.dbInit() JS.dbReadAll() } } Button{ id:remove Text{ text:"Remove" anchors.centerIn: parent } onClicked: {
// JS.dbDeleteRow(studyBrowserTable.model.get(studyBrowserTable.currentRow).id)
studyBrowserTable.model.remove(studyBrowserTable.currentRow, 1)
if (studyBrowserTable.rowCount == 0) {
// ListView doesn't automatically set its currentIndex to -1
// when the count becomes 0.
studyBrowserTable.currentRow = -1
anchors.centerIn: parent
anchors.centerIn: parent
}} }
The current result is showed in the following picture:
And what I want is:
I'd appreciate it very much if someone can give me some suggestions.