Qt Creator IDE debugging Fortran Static Library
Hi, I wrote a single file Fortran Static Library (*.lib) in DEBUG mode using Microsoft Visual Studio + Intel Visual Fortran Compiler 2019 and I'm calling this library inside my Qt C++ application.
All works ok!Using Qt Creator IDE I can put a break point in the calling library line and press F11 to step into the Fortran source code. So Qt Creator IDE opens the Fortran source code and I can press F10 to go line by line inside of it. This also works great.
My problem is that: The Qt Creator IDE debugger cannot show to me the current Fortran variables values like it does em C++. It only shows the "plain-text" Fortran source code.
I would like to see these values changing in execution time and debug this library like I debug my C++ code.
Is it possible?
Thank you,