Problems trying to costumize a QCalendarWidget
I'm trying to apply some stylesheets to my QCalendarWidget, and I already made some changes. Here is my code at the moment:
QCalendarWidget QWidget{ background-color:magenta; color: green; } QCalendarWidget QToolButton{ background-color:black; color: green; icon-size: 30px; } QCalendarWidget QMenu{ background-color:magenta; color: green; } QCalendarWidget QAbstractItemView:enabled{ background-color: yellow; color: black; } QCalendarWidget QAbstractItemView:disabled{ background-color: yellow; color: white; } QCalendarWidget QMenu{ background-color: rgb(255, 46, 221); } QCalendarWidget QSpinBox{ background-color: black; }
The result is:
The problem is that I can't find how I customize the green arrows, the number of the week, and the days of the week. Any suggestions?
The documentation of QCalendarWidget doesn't mention how it can be costumized.
Unless anyone replies better:Have a look at, there seem to be quite a few more styles being used there to give you ideas? There is also for some further ideas.
You can Google for, say,
qcalendarwidget stylesheet
, there are quite a few posts out there which may help you. Or you could look through the source code like others have done to get something specific to your desires.