Is it possible through qml javascript change the value of an delegate of a TableViewColumn?
QML and Qt Quick
I have a tableview with some columns (TableViewColumn).
On each row i will have spinbox except the first and last column.What i want to do is, when i change the value in the spinbox of the 4 column, i want to change the text on the last column, taking in account the value of the 2,3 and 4 spinbox, then those value will serve as index for a model.
TableViewColumn example of what i want (4 column):
TableViewColumn { id: fourColumn horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter title: qsTr("teste") width: 100 movable: false resizable: false delegate: Rectangle { border.width: 1 border.color: globals.table.borderColor color: globals.table.borderColor anchors.fill: parent anchors.centerIn: parent width: deviceAddress.implicitWidth+2 height: globals.table.rowHeight property var value: "teste" PanelSpinBox { id:testAddress objectName: "test_address" anchors.centerIn: parent linkedData: table.ldata(styleData) from: 0 to: 100 editable: true implicitWidth: 0 implicitHeight: 0 height: globals.table.rowHeight-2 width:parent.width-2 onValueModified: { console.log("row: "+styleData.row+"\n") //This doesnt work it's just to illustrate var teste = column[5].index[styleData.row] //to access the component that is on the last column teste.text = model_teste[column[2].index[styleData.row].value*column[3].index[styleData.row].value][column[4].index[styleData.row].testAddress //to set the text of the component in last column } } } }
note: model_teste is not the model that is associated to TableView