Custom QML Component: Put children into Rowlayout
QML and Qt Quick
I am working on a Toolbar with sections. Depending on context, the sections should be visible or not. I am wondering, if I can make the plotSection Item a component, which I could reuse for other sections. Here is my current code:
import QtQuick 2.10 import QtQuick.Controls 2.13 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12 import Style 1.0 ToolBar { id: mainToolBar objectName: "mainToolBar" RowLayout { Item { id: plotSection width: bRow.implicitWidth implicitHeight: bRow.implicitHeight+15+Style.marginTiny Row { id: bRow ToolButton { text: "Save plot" icon.source: "../icons/file-export-solid.svg" onClicked: { savePlot() } } ToolButton { id: showfullrange text: "Zoom to data range" icon.source: "../icons/full_screen_2.svg" icon.width: 24 icon.height: 24 onClicked: { plotCpp.resetViewFullRange() } } ToolButton { id: resetview text: "Zoom to standard range" icon.source: "../icons/full_screen.svg" icon.width: 24 icon.height: 24 onClicked: { plotCpp.resetView() } } } SectionLabel { anchors {bottom: parent.bottom; right: parent.right; left: parent.left; bottomMargin: Style.marginTiny} text: "Plot" } } } }
IIdeally, I would like to use it like this:
ToolbarSection { label: "Plots" ToolButton { text: "Save plot" icon.source: "../icons/file-export-solid.svg" onClicked: { savePlot() } } ToolButton { id: showfullrange text: "Zoom to data range" icon.source: "../icons/full_screen_2.svg" icon.width: 24 icon.height: 24 onClicked: { plotCpp.resetViewFullRange() } } ToolButton { id: resetview text: "Zoom to standard range" icon.source: "../icons/full_screen.svg" icon.width: 24 icon.height: 24 onClicked: { plotCpp.resetView() } } }
However, I would not know how to give the children of this
to be inside theRow
of theToolBarSection
component. Is this even possible? -
This is what I have been looking for: