make command not working
I tryed to compile to make a project from command line and create a exe
i tryed the following steps:
qmake -project -> generates the pro file (here
qmake -> generates makefiles etcBut then:
make -> it gives me the errror that the command is not recognized.Do I have to add make to the Windows Path Variable? If yes were is it located?
Which platform and compiler do you use? When you're on windows it's either mingw32-make for mingw or nmake for msvc.
If on windows, you can run
(or similar depending on compiler)
Also, vcvarsall.bat if VS compiler
to have all the paths setup. -
When I run the bat it just flashes and closes the window immidiately. So how to use it?
Open command prompt first, run the bat file inside.
same with vcvarsall.bat