Trying to rename a file
In the Projects hierarchy I tried to rename a .qml script by right clicking it and selecting: "Rename" and was presented with a Project Editing Failed popup:
The project file cannot be automatically changes." Rename WizardPopupKeyboard.qml to WizardPopupNumericKeyboard.qml anyway?
I selected yes. Then when I run the program I get an error:
No rule to make target 'WizardPopupKeyboard.qml', needed by 'qrc_QML.cpp'. Stop.
I tried running qMake and that didn't work. What does it take to rename a qml file?
@Circuits said in Trying to rename a file:
WizardPopupKeyboard.qml to WizardPopupNumericKeyboard.qml
Your pro file has a reference to WizardPopupKeyboard.qml in it. Change that reference to WizardPopupNumericKeyboard.qml.
Edit: Might also be in a qrc file.
There is no mention of the script in the .pro file. A grep search of the CodeBase for WizardPopupKeyboard returns: QML.qrc and qrc.QML.cpp. Both of these files contain a reference to WizardPopupKeyboard. Rather than start messing around with names in those folders I decided instead to create a new .qml file called WizardPopupNumericKeyboard.qml and copied the contents of WizardPopupKeyboard into that file, that seems to have worked.