QT WebEngine devicemotion eventlistener - no values after init
Dear people,
i tried to load a - local html / a remote http and a https with webview, but the eventlistener never answered with values like event.acceleration.x. works with normal browser (https://timvolodine.github.io/deviceorientation-test/)
i tried with setHTML to add the eventlistener directly in WebEngineView but same result.
i trie to setAttributes but there is only one for geolocation. i need access to Gyroscope,Magnetometer and Accelerometer .
i tried to use arguments like --enable-web-security .. nothing changed
Is there a way not only to View HTML with the QT Library , but the integrated Javascript to?
window.addEventListener("devicemotion", handleOrientation,....
or something similar.Maybe direct Gyroscope / Sensor access from Python? acceleration.x
Tried QAccelerometer() class but no chancebest regards and thanks