How can I connect to Visual SVN server Repository C++ with Qt
I just want to access local visual svn server repositories with my C++ QT code.
I want to display the folder and subfolder names in the following adress https://desktop/!/#repo (address of local svn repository).Thanks for your help.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
How are you querying that server for information ?
Does it provide an API to access such information ? -
It's years since I wrote an SVN interface in a C# project, but.... SVN servers (including Visual SVN Server) act as a DAV server. You send it requests over HTTP using method names likeREPORT
. Your request input body is XML, in a certain format with various property specifications, and it sends you back an XML payload with response in similar-ish format. From Qt you will useQNetworkAccessManager
classes to do HTTP requests/responses.To give you some idea of what it looks like, here's C# code for the simplest request/response, just asking for the server's
:private XmlDocument SVNDavOptions(string url) { // Issue a *server*-side "OPTIONS" query against a SVN DAV Server // to test it works OK ICWebClient icwc = new ICWebClient(); SetSVNDavWebClientCredentials(icwc); string query = "<D:options " + SVNDavNamespacesDeclaration + ">" + "<D:activity-collection-set/>" + "</D:options>"; XmlDocument xmlResponse = icwc.HttpDavMethod("OPTIONS", null, url, query); return xmlResponse; }
Unfortunately, I no longer have any recollection where the SVN DAV protocol is explained. You'll have to Google. I come across e.g. or These are the sort of documentation I used to create client code against.
I think I need a library for that. I found the java version which is SVNKit. However, I couldn't find for C++ Qt version. This is the code for java with a library:
this is what I tried to do with QT but I don't have any library for connection to the server. -
One thing: there's no C++ Qt version. Qt is a C++ toolkit, not a variant of the language.
Subversion already provides an API for you to use:
By the way, Qt Creator has a SVN client somewhere since it's listed as a supported VCS systems. You might want to take a look at it.