Configure Qt for WebAssembly seems to be stuck at 'Info: creating stash file' forever.
I am interested to learn about Qt WebAssembly and stared going through the steps from the Qt for WebAssembly. I have configured the emscrripten properly and able to build the helloworld example per the emsdk documentation.
I have pulled the source code for Qt5.12 modules below, in to a directory.
git clone
git clone
git clone have setup the emsdk environment and tried to configure the Qt for wasm platform as mentioned in the document. the process seems to be stuck at
Creating Stash file
for a long period of time, as shown below in the logs.$ ./configure -no-warnings-are-errors -xplatform wasm-emscripten -platform win32-g++ -nomake examples -prefix output <srcbase> = c:/GIT/Build_Qt_Webassembly/qtwebassembly/qtbase <bldbase> = c:/GIT/Build_Qt_Webassembly/qtwebassembly/qtbase <outbase> = c:/GIT/Build_Qt_Webassembly/qtwebassembly/qtbase QtCore: created fwd-include header(s) for <srcbase>/src/corelib/animation/ { qabstractanimation.h (1), qabstractanimation_p.h (1), qanimationgroup.h (1), qanimationgroup_p.h (1), qparallelanimationgroup.h (1), qparallelanimationgroup_p.h (1), qpauseanimation.h (1), qpropertyanimation.h (1), qpropertyanimation_p.h (1), qsequentialanimationgroup.h (1), qsequentialanimationgroup_p.h (1), qvariantanimation.h (1), qvariantanimation_p.h (1) } QtCore: created fwd-include header(s) for <srcbase>/src/corelib/codecs/ { cp949codetbl_p.h (1), qbig5codec_p.h (1), qeucjpcodec_p.h (1), qeuckrcodec_p.h (1), qgb18030codec_p.h (1), qiconvcodec_p.h (1), qicucodec_p.h (1), qisciicodec_p.h (1), qjiscodec_p.h (1), qjpunicode_p.h (1), qlatincodec_p.h (1), qsimplecodec_p.h (1), qsjiscodec_p.h (1), qtextcodec.h (1), qtextcodec_p.h (1), qtsciicodec_p.h (1), qutfcodec_p.h (1), qwindowscodec_p.h (1) } QtCore: created fwd-include header(s) for <srcbase>/src/corelib/global/ { minimum-linux_p.h (1), qcompilerdetection.h (1), qconfig-bootstrapped.h (1), qendian.h (2), qendian_p.h (1), qflags.h (1), qfloat16.h (1), qfloat16_p.h (1), qglobal.h (2), qglobal_p.h (1), qglobalstatic.h (1), qhooks_p.h (1), qisenum.h (1), qlibraryinfo.h (1), qlogging.h (1), qlogging_p.h (1), qnamespace.h (2), qnumeric.h (2), qnumeric_p.h (1), qoperatingsystemversion.h (1), qoperatingsystemversion_p.h (1), qoperatingsystemversion_win_p.h (1), qprocessordetection.h (1), qrandom.h (1), qrandom_p.h (1), qsysinfo.h (1), qsystemdetection.h (1), qt_pch.h (1), qt_windows.h (1), qtrace_p.h (1), qtypeinfo.h (1), qtypetraits.h (1), qversiontagging.h (1) } QtCore: created fwd-include header(s) for <srcbase>/src/corelib/io/ { qabstractfileengine_p.h (1), qbuffer.h (1), qdataurl_p.h (1), qdebug.h (2), qdebug_p.h (1), qdir.h (1), qdir_p.h (1), qdiriterator.h (1), qfile.h (1), qfile_p.h (1), qfiledevice.h (1), qfiledevice_p.h (1), qfileinfo.h (1), qfileinfo_p.h (1), qfileselector.h (1), qfileselector_p.h (1), qfilesystemengine_p.h (1), qfilesystementry_p.h (1), qfilesystemiterator_p.h (1), qfilesystemmetadata_p.h (1), qfilesystemwatcher.h (1), qfilesystemwatcher_fsevents_p.h (1), qfilesystemwatcher_inotify_p.h (1), qfilesystemwatcher_kqueue_p.h (1), qfilesystemwatcher_p.h (1), qfilesystemwatcher_polling_p.h (1), qfilesystemwatcher_win_p.h (1), qfsfileengine_iterator_p.h (1), qfsfileengine_p.h (1), qiodevice.h (1), qiodevice_p.h (1), qipaddress_p.h (1), qlockfile.h (1), qlockfile_p.h (1), qloggingcategory.h (1), qloggingregistry_p.h (1), qnoncontiguousbytedevice_p.h (1), qprocess.h (1), qprocess_p.h (1), qresource.h (1), qresource_iterator_p.h (1), qresource_p.h (1), qsavefile.h (1), qsavefile_p.h (1), qsettings.h (1), qsettings_p.h (1), qstandardpaths.h (1), qstorageinfo.h (1), qstorageinfo_p.h (1), qtemporarydir.h (1), qtemporaryfile.h (1), qtemporaryfile_p.h (1), qtldurl_p.h (1), qurl.h (1), qurl_p.h (1), qurlquery.h (1), qurltlds_p.h (1), qwindowspipereader_p.h (1), qwindowspipewriter_p.h (1) } QtCore: created fwd-include header(s) for <srcbase>/src/corelib/itemmodels/ { qabstractitemmodel.h (1), qabstractitemmodel_p.h (1), qabstractproxymodel.h (1), qabstractproxymodel_p.h (1), qidentityproxymodel.h (1), qitemselectionmodel.h (1), qitemselectionmodel_p.h (1), qsortfilterproxymodel.h (1), qstringlistmodel.h (1) } QtCore: created fwd-include header(s) for <srcbase>/src/corelib/kernel/ { qabstracteventdispatcher.h (1), qabstracteventdispatcher_p.h (1), qabstractnativeeventfilter.h (1), qbasictimer.h (1), qcfsocketnotifier_p.h (1), qcore_mac_p.h (1), qcore_unix_p.h (1), qcoreapplication.h (1), qcoreapplication_p.h (1), qcorecmdlineargs_p.h (1), qcoreevent.h (1), qcoreglobaldata_p.h (1), qdeadlinetimer.h (1), qdeadlinetimer_p.h (1), qelapsedtimer.h (1), qeventdispatcher_cf_p.h (1), qeventdispatcher_glib_p.h (1), qeventdispatcher_unix_p.h (1), qeventdispatcher_win_p.h (1), qeventdispatcher_winrt_p.h (1), qeventloop.h (1), qeventloop_p.h (1), qfunctions_fake_env_p.h (1), qfunctions_nacl.h (1), qfunctions_p.h (1), qfunctions_vxworks.h (1), qfunctions_winrt.h (1), qjni_p.h (1), qjnihelpers_p.h (1), qmath.h (1), qmetaobject.h (1), qmetaobject_moc_p.h (1), qmetaobject_p.h (1), qmetaobjectbuilder_p.h (1), qmetatype.h (1), qmetatype_p.h (1), qmetatypeswitcher_p.h (1), qmimedata.h (1), qobject.h (1), qobject_impl.h (1), qobject_p.h (1), qobjectcleanuphandler.h (1), qobjectdefs.h (1), qobjectdefs_impl.h (1), qpointer.h (1), qpoll_p.h (1), qppsattribute_p.h (1), qppsattributeprivate_p.h (1), qppsobject_p.h (1), qppsobjectprivate_p.h (1), qsharedmemory.h (1), qsharedmemory_p.h (1), qsignalmapper.h (1), qsocketnotifier.h (1), qsystemerror_p.h (1), qsystemsemaphore.h (1), qsystemsemaphore_p.h (1), qtestsupport_core.h (1), qtimer.h (1), qtimerinfo_unix_p.h (1), qtranslator.h (1), qtranslator_p.h (1), qvariant.h (4), qvariant_p.h (1), qwineventnotifier.h (1), qwineventnotifier_p.h (1) } QtCore: created fwd-include header(s) for <srcbase>/src/corelib/mimetypes/ { qmimedatabase.h (1), qmimedatabase_p.h (1), qmimeglobpattern_p.h (1), qmimemagicrule_p.h (1), qmimemagicrulematcher_p.h (1), qmimeprovider_p.h (1), qmimetype.h (1), qmimetype_p.h (1), qmimetypeparser_p.h (1) } QtCore: created fwd-include header(s) for <srcbase>/src/corelib/plugin/ { qelfparser_p.h (1), qfactoryinterface.h (1), qfactoryloader_p.h (1), qlibrary.h (1), qlibrary_p.h (1), qmachparser_p.h (1), qplugin.h (2), qplugin_p.h (1), qpluginloader.h (1), qsystemlibrary_p.h (1), quuid.h (1) } QtCore: created fwd-include header(s) for <srcbase>/src/corelib/serialization/ { qcborarray.h (1), qcborcommon.h (1), qcbormap.h (1), qcborstream.h (1), qcborvalue.h (1), qcborvalue_p.h (1), qdatastream.h (1), qdatastream_p.h (1), qjson_p.h (1), qjsonarray.h (1), qjsondocument.h (1), qjsonobject.h (1), qjsonparser_p.h (1), qjsonvalue.h (1), qjsonwriter_p.h (1), qtextstream.h (1), qtextstream_p.h (1), qxmlstream.h (1), qxmlstream_p.h (1), qxmlutils_p.h (1) } QtCore: created fwd-include header(s) for <srcbase>/src/corelib/statemachine/ { qabstractstate.h (1), qabstractstate_p.h (1), qabstracttransition.h (1), qabstracttransition_p.h (1), qeventtransition.h (1), qeventtransition_p.h (1), qfinalstate.h (1), qfinalstate_p.h (1), qhistorystate.h (1), qhistorystate_p.h (1), qsignaleventgenerator_p.h (1), qsignaltransition.h (1), qsignaltransition_p.h (1), qstate.h (1), qstate_p.h (1), qstatemachine.h (1), qstatemachine_p.h (1) } QtCore: created fwd-include header(s) for <srcbase>/src/corelib/thread/ { qatomic.h (1), qatomic_bootstrap.h (1), qatomic_cxx11.h (1), qatomic_msvc.h (1), qbasicatomic.h (1), qexception.h (1), qfutex_p.h (1), qfuture.h (1), qfutureinterface.h (1), qfutureinterface_p.h (1), qfuturesynchronizer.h (1), qfuturewatcher.h (1), qfuturewatcher_p.h (1), qgenericatomic.h (1), qmutex.h (1), qmutex_p.h (1), qmutexpool_p.h (1), qorderedmutexlocker_p.h (1), qreadwritelock.h (1), qreadwritelock_p.h (1), qresultstore.h (1), qrunnable.h (1), qsemaphore.h (1), qthread.h (1), qthread_p.h (1), qthreadpool.h (1), qthreadpool_p.h (1), qthreadstorage.h (1), qwaitcondition.h (1) } QtCore: created fwd-include header(s) for <srcbase>/src/corelib/tools/ { qalgorithms.h (2), qarraydata.h (1), qarraydataops.h (1), qarraydatapointer.h (1), qbitarray.h (1), qbytearray.h (1), qbytearray_p.h (1), qbytearraylist.h (1), qbytearraymatcher.h (1), qbytedata_p.h (1), qcache.h (1), qchar.h (1), qcollator.h (1), qcollator_p.h (1), qcommandlineoption.h (1), qcommandlineparser.h (1), qcontainerfwd.h (2), qcontiguouscache.h (1), qcryptographichash.h (1), qdatetime.h (1), qdatetime_p.h (1), qdatetimeparser_p.h (1), qdoublescanprint_p.h (1), qeasingcurve.h (1), qfreelist_p.h (1), qharfbuzz_p.h (1), qhash.h (1), qhashfunctions.h (1), qiterator.h (1), qline.h (1), qlinkedlist.h (1), qlist.h (1), qlocale.h (1), qlocale_data_p.h (1), qlocale_p.h (1), qlocale_tools_p.h (1), qmakearray_p.h (1), qmap.h (1), qmargins.h (1), qmessageauthenticationcode.h (1), qpair.h (1), qpoint.h (1), qqueue.h (1), qrect.h (1), qrefcount.h (1), qregexp.h (1), qregularexpression.h (1), qringbuffer_p.h (1), qscopedpointer.h (1), qscopedpointer_p.h (1), qscopedvaluerollback.h (1), qscopeguard.h (1), qset.h (1), qshareddata.h (1), qsharedpointer.h (1), qsharedpointer_impl.h (1), qsimd_p.h (1), qsimd_x86_p.h (1), qsize.h (1), qstack.h (1), qstring.h (1), qstringalgorithms.h (1), qstringalgorithms_p.h (1), qstringbuilder.h (1), qstringiterator_p.h (1), qstringlist.h (1), qstringliteral.h (1), qstringmatcher.h (1), qstringview.h (1), qtextboundaryfinder.h (1), qtimeline.h (1), qtimezone.h (1), qtimezoneprivate_data_p.h (1), qtimezoneprivate_p.h (1), qtools_p.h (1), qunicodetables_p.h (1), qunicodetools_p.h (1), qvarlengtharray.h (1), qvector.h (1), qversionnumber.h (1) } Creating qmake... ..............................................................................................Done. Info: creating cache file C:\GIT\Build_Qt_Webassembly\qtwebassembly\qtbase\.qmake.cache Info: creating stash file C:\GIT\Build_Qt_Webassembly\qtwebassembly\qtbase\.qmake.stash
Am I missing something here ?
Have you tried 5.13 branches?
Did you run the examples found here : tell me how did you configure Qt.
Normally qt build takes more than 10 hours , atleast for me.
and your configuration command seems to miss modules
./init-repository -f --module-subset=qtbase,qtdeclarative,qtwebsockets,qtsvg,qtquickcontrols,qtquickcontrols2,qtgraphicaleffects
./configure -opensource -confirm-license -xplatform wasm-emscripten -release -static -no-feature-thread -nomake examples -no-dbus -no-ssl -no-qml-debugtry this ..
@Izza I think you should take into consideration that @chaithubk is on Windows. I do not think your suggested configure command line will work in this case? Nevertheless, I find some of your options interesting. Too bad it takes so long to get a build done.
For Windows, the platform win32-g++ is required. You also need sed in your path.
As well, Qt versions need a specific version of emscripten, as the pace of emscripten features outpaces Qt, and using a newer emscripten often will not work.
For Qt 5.12, emscripten 1.38.16 is recommended.