DateTimeAxis update
Hi, I have been running into problems while trying to visualize data from mqtt messages, so far I have been able to update a spline series with my values by setting min and max values on the x axis (0 -15) , incrementing the x value of the series by one every time a message is received , then clearing the series after 15 samples are visualized and then starting all over again.
I would like to see the data with a timestamp in the x axis, my x axis setup is something like this:
DateTimeAxis { id: timeAxis format: "hh:mm" min: new Date() max: new Date() }
Then I'm using that here:
SplineSeries { name: "Temperature" id: tempSeries useOpenGL: true axisY: axisY //axisX: axisX axisX: timeAxis }
And this is the function that receives the data:
function tempMessage(payload) { //tempSubscription.update(tempSeries); if (tempSamples >= 100){ timeAxis.max = new Date() tempSeries.append(timeAxis.max,payload) tempSamples++ }else{ tempSeries.clear() timeAxis.min = new Date() timeAxis.max = new Date() tempSeries.append(timeAxis.min,payload) tempSamples = 1 } tempLabel.text = "Temp: " + payload + " °C" }
My idea was as follows, set the min and max to the current time , then update the max every time a message is received, append the pair (current time,payload) to the series and clear the data once I reach a number of samples and start all over again. In my mind this would have a "dynamic" behavior in the chartview, code compiles and no warnings are displayed but all I see is an empty chartview.
Any pointers or ideas o how to achieve this? thanks in advance, it seems like something that can be done in QML without dealing with the C++ backend ...
@lopeztel said in DateTimeAxis update:
Are you not always clearing your data here ? ://tempSubscription.update(tempSeries); if (tempSamples >= 100){ // I guess you want <= 100 here timeAxis.max = new Date() ... }else{ tempSeries.clear() ... }
I used QDateTimeAxis a long time ago but I think there is no need to manage min and max manually.
@Gojir4 oops, thanks for that, also, I noticed no changes without the axis update ... is there anyway to store a time reference as a one off thing ? let's say at the creation of the chartview so that I can use it as the minimum value for the x axis and then update only the max? with
new Date()
i only see a dot at the right corned of the chartview even after a bunch of updates ... -
@lopeztel said in DateTimeAxis update:
@Gojir4 oops, thanks for that, also, I noticed no changes without the axis update ... is there anyway to store a time reference as a one off thing ? let's say at the creation of the chartview so that I can use it as the minimum value for the x axis and then update only the max? with
new Date()
i only see a dot at the right corned of the chartview even after a bunch of updates ...Yes there is:
ChartView{ property var startDate Component.onCompleted: startDate = new Date() ... }
But may I suggest something like that, more like a "circular buffer":
function tempMessage(payload) { //tempSubscription.update(tempSeries); //Update max timeAxis.max = new Date() //append value tempSeries.append(timeAxis.max,payload) if (tempSeries.count > 100) { //We reach max buffer size //Remove first item tempSeries.remove(0) //Update min timeAxis.min = } tempLabel.text = "Temp: " + payload + " °C" }
@lopeztel Do not forgot to initialize
ChartView{ Component.onCompleted: timeAxis.min = new Date() ... }
function tempMessage(payload) { ... if (tempSeries.count > 100) { ... } else if(tempSeries.count === 1) { //init min timeAxis.min = } ... }