How to access property alias
There is a variable declared in this QML file and I was wondering if I will have access to it from another QML file? The variable is declared as property alias:
property alias displayValue: currentValue.text
is it possible to access this variable from any other QML file? I tried saying:
property string inputValue: InputField.currentValue.text
InputField turns green when I call it like this so I think it's recognizing the correct QML file but it's not working:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'text' of undefined
Access it like follows.
@dheerendra For some reason it is telling me the value is undefined:
Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
What is InputField ?
@dheerendra InputField is the name of the QML file which creates the instance of this keyboard. It is also the id of this AbstractInputField within the script:
id: inputField property alias displayValue: currentValue.text property alias placeholderText: currentValue.placeholderText property alias validator: editingValue.validator property int horizontalAlignment: TextInput.AlignLeft property bool doSelection: true readonly property alias isEditing: editingValue.visible signal accepted(string value) height: style.height implicitWidth: editingValue.implicitWidth implicitHeight: editingValue.implicitHeight QQC2.TextField { id: currentValue anchors.fill: parent background: Rectangle{ anchors.fill: parent radius: border.width: border.color: } readOnly: true horizontalAlignment: inputField.horizontalAlignment visible: !(editingValue.activeFocus) font: color: inputField.readOnly ? : MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { if (!inputField.readOnly) editingValue.forceActiveFocus() } } } QQC2.TextField { id: editingValue focus: true height: visible: activeFocus horizontalAlignment: inputField.horizontalAlignment onAccepted: { inputField.accepted(text) = null currentValue.forceActiveFocus() } onActiveFocusChanged: { if (activeFocus) { text = currentValue.text if (doSelection) selectAll() = ( presentationManager.guiSettingsPresenter.model.virtualKeyboardEnabled ? inputField : null ) } else { inputField.accepted(text) = null } } } function cancel() { = null currentValue.forceActiveFocus() } }
I really just need access to the displayValue outside of InputField. Perhaps I could do that with signals?