Can't edit text in cell in a dynamic QTable model
Hello, I am in troubles with my model, I have created a model where I can dinamically add new rows, then I want to edit its text, so I created a vector in my class such as I can dinamically add or modify text, but I obtain the following error:
ASSERT failure in QVector<T>::operator[]: "index out of range", file /Users/aaaa/Qt/5.11.1/clang_64/lib/QtCore.framework/Headers/qvector.h, line 436
19:54:10: The program has unexpectedly finished.bool Table::setData(const QModelIndex & index, const QVariant & value, int role) { m_gridData = new QVector<QVector<QString>>; if (role == Qt::EditRole) { //save value from editor to member m_gridData (*m_gridData)[index.row()][index.column()]= value.toString(); //for presentation purposes only: build and emit a joined string QString result; for(int row= 0; row < rows; row++) { for(int col= 0; col < columns; col++) { result += (*m_gridData)[row][col]; } } emit editCompleted(result); return true; } return false; }
Why is my index out of range??
Thank you!
The vector is empty so accessing it will crash.
[index.row()][index.column()] can never be valid for empty vector.if you want to use [][], you should use
on both vectors.
so they contain empty strings.
Or use append to add the data. -
Again: you can't access to an index which is out-of-bounds and will get an asserting (in debug mode) or undefined behavior (in release mode) - see
"i must be a valid index position in the vector (i.e., 0 <= i < size())."
I tried this
bool ModelTable::setData(const QModelIndex & index, const QVariant & value, int role) { m_gridData = new QVector<QVector<QString>>; if (role == Qt::EditRole) { //save value from editor to member m_gridData (*m_gridData)[index.row()][index.column()]= value.toString(); //for presentation purposes only: build and emit a joined string QString result; for(int row= 0; row < rows; row++) { for(int col= 0; col < columns; col++) { //result += (*m_gridData)[row][col]; (*m_gridData).append(QVector<QString>()<<result); } } emit editCompleted(result); return true; } return false; }
and Initialized the vector in constructor such as:
ModelTable::ModelTable(QObject *parent):QAbstractTableModel (parent) { m_gridData = new QVector<QVector<QString>>; }
and updated size such as:
bool ModelTable::insertRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent){ beginInsertRows(parent,row,row+count-1); rows = rows+count; endInsertRows(); qDebug() << rows; (*m_gridData)[rows][columns];//update value of matrix return true;
and still index out of range.
I did this
(*m_gridData)[index.row()][index.column()]= value.toString();
to store the initial values of table into my m_gridData and update them as the programs is working.Thanks!
Everything you described can be done by
Something like:QAbstractItemModel* model = new QStandardItemModel(this); model->insertColumns(0,columns); model->insertRows(0,rows); model->setData(model->index(0,0),QStringLiteral("One String")); model->setData(model->index(1,0),QStringLiteral("Another String")); model->insertRow(1); model->setData(model->index(1,0),QStringLiteral("Inserted String"));
@jss193 said in Can't edit text in cell in a dynamic QTable model:
I want it modified by adding new methods later
You can always just subclass
you don't need to start from scratch -
Besides i very much agree with @VRonin about using QStandardItemModel
Your current issue is that you use 2 vectors nowbool ModelTable::setData(const QModelIndex & index, const QVariant & value, int role)
m_gridData = new QVector<QVector<QString>>; // this is a new one, you add to
the one you make
ModelTable::ModelTable(QObject *parent):QAbstractTableModel (parent)
m_gridData = new QVector<QVector<QString>>;Might not be used at all and just leak memory or be used in
bool ModelTable::insertRows where its empty and still gives index out of bounds for that reason.