On Long Run QML Timer stops after 536870 iterations of 1 sec each
Hi All,
I'm developing a application and expect it to run for 10 days continuously. but the animation & timer in my application comes to an abrupt halt after 536870 iteration's of 1 second each. This translates to approximately 5 days 19 hours & 13 Mins.after doing some research on google :), noticed that this number when translated to milli seconds
536870 x 1000 = 536870000 (decimal) == approximately 0x20000000 (Hex)also noticed on
QML Bindings for KLocale has a reference like UnixTime = 0x20000000example app
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Window 2.2Item { id: mainWindow objectName: "testapp" width: 640 height: 480 visible: true property int count: 0 Timer{ id: testTimer interval: 1000 repeat: true running: true onTriggered: { count++; console.log(" count is "+count); } } Rectangle { id: rotatingBox width: 100 height: 100 x: 200 y: 200 color: "red" RotationAnimator { target: rotatingBox; from: 0; to: 360; duration: 1000 running: true loops: Animation.Infinite } } }
If this issue rings bell to any body, your inputs are appreciated.
Thanks in Advance,
CS -
@ChetanSuri said in On Long Run QML Timer stops after 536870 iterations of 1 sec each:
10 days continuously
Why not use a date time function to check start date and time and end when ten days have passed? Essentially the date time functions in your computer are already running a timer for you. You could even have it start the process at a specific time so after 10 days you know it will be done by 8am Monday for example. If your computer is synced to an external time source then you know that 10 days will be accurate as well.
Looking at the code I don't see any reason why it would halt. Does the program quit or the timer stops firing? Or is the text buffer for the console.log message full? Try logging to a file maybe (might have to write c++ code for that).
The program doe not quit but The timer stops firing.
one thing that I have noticed is that if an event handler for key presses is added, it accepts the incoming keys. which means that the application is still active.between I am having the problem on version 5.4.3
This issue has been fixed in
https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-45358closing this issue