[solved]tableview set/get and other questions.
Because I'm a newbee i have some difficulties with many things.
Here is a list about Qtableview.I select and click on a singel row.
Could I get all of the values from the diffrent columns and put in a array or something.How could i do so if i uses the arrows to run thru the table the selection changes to the new row.
in other words currnt row change.- i want to highlight or "Blink " som of the rows in the table.
Is it possible.
I'd like exampels
Foregive my bad English but i*m trying
- i want to highlight or "Blink " som of the rows in the table.
I select and click on a singel row.
Could I get all of the values from the diffrent columns and put in a array or something.Yes, you could , you can catch the suitable signal and get the index of the row then get all the desired results
@connect(_myTableView, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &)), this, SLOT(doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &)));
@How could i do so if i uses the arrows to run thru the table the selection changes to the new row.
in other words currnt row change.I don't understand this
- i want to highlight or “Blink “ som of the rows in the table.
Is it possible.
Yes by calling one method
I’d like exampels
Foregive my bad English but i*m trying
- i want to highlight or “Blink “ som of the rows in the table.
Yes i do so but in a clickevent on a button and i do like this
@QModelIndexList selectedList = ui->testTable->selectionModel()->selectedRows(1);
QModelIndex index = ui->testTable->currentIndex();for( int i=0; i<selectedList.count(); i++)
I can only get the columnvalue from ->selectedRows(1);
is there an easier way to do this
it was ment to catch the currentrow when i change row with my arrow buttons or swipe.
Is it possible.I want to put the values from the current row in labels.
you have to get the model Index not the view
@ QAbstractItemModel dataModel;
QTableView myTableView;@reimplement the QAbstractItemModel make the list as data container