QML/OSM maps, not showing street number
When trying to acquire the address of some place from its coordinates (latitude,longitude),(reverse geocode) osm maps returns only the name of the street without the number. I tried using the "map viewer" example code provided by QT in order to see if it's a problem in my code or this feature is just not provided, but I found out that it only gives me the street name without the number too. Locating the address on OSM website shows the "add:housenumber" seperate from the "add:street" which is weird because there is no way to get the number on QT, there's "address.street" only.
Are you sure if your reverse geocode query has a house number ?With House Number [Zoom Lvl 18]
https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse.php?format=html&lat=43.64529279494597&lon=-79.38523801990962&zoom=18Without House Number [Zoom Lvl 16]
https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse.php?format=html&lat=43.64529279494597&lon=-79.38523801990962&zoom=16 -
@KillerSmath Well this is the problem, that in OSM it shows house number but in QT there is no possibility to put the house number as it should be included within the street as you can see here: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtpositioning-address.html#details
Whenn fetching the street data in Qt from OSM, it only shows us the name of the street without the number as in the "reverse geocode" tool in the "map viewer" example in Qt. -
QAddress class has not a single variable to store street number but you can get the full address by text property.