Is reversing one axis of QML chart undefined behavior?
Hey guys.
I want to reverse just Y axis of chart in QML and I found that reverse property is what I need to.
Here documentation says:**reverse : alignment
Defines whether a reverse axis is used. By default, the value is false.
The reverse axis is supported with a line, spline, and scatter series, as well as an area series with a cartesian chart. All axes of the same orientation attached to the same series must be reversed if one is reversed or the behavior is undefined.**
I'm asking because I'm not sure and in my tests I didn't encounter any crashes or strange behavior after reversing just Y axis alone.
Really thanks guys for the great helps!
The doc does not say that you need to invert all axes, but only the axes in the same direction (yours: Y direction) attached to etc...
So, you don't need to invert the X axis too, if that was your concern.
Cheers. -
@Diracsbracket Thank you so much!