Using SQLite in QML (Can read, but can't write)
i am creating an application that needs to save scores. I already connected the database to the application. I can read the contents of the database! I can also update and insert values in the database! THE PROBLEM is when i close my application and run it again ALL the INSERTED values and UPDATED values are RESET and as if the DATABASE was not been UPDATED! HELPPP THANKS!!
@#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include "qmlapplicationviewer.h"
#include <QDeclarativeEngine>
#include <QString>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QDir>Q_DECL_EXPORT int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QScopedPointer<QApplication> app(createApplication(argc, argv));
QScopedPointer<QmlApplicationViewer> viewer(QmlApplicationViewer::create());QDeclarativeEngine engine; QString customPath = "qml/Storage"; QDir dir; if(dir.mkpath(QString(customPath))){ qDebug() << "Default path >> "+engine.offlineStoragePath(); engine.setOfflineStoragePath(QString(customPath)); qDebug() << "New path >> "+engine.offlineStoragePath(); } viewer->engine()->setOfflineStoragePath(QString(customPath)); viewer->setOrientation(QmlApplicationViewer::ScreenOrientationAuto); viewer->setMainQmlFile(QLatin1String("qml/untitled/main.qml")); viewer->showExpanded(); return app->exec();
@import QtQuick 1.0Rectangle {
id: rectangle1
color: "#ffffff"
width: 200
height: 100Text { id: textArea text: "?" anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter Component.onCompleted: findScores() } function findScores() { var db = openDatabaseSync("appScores", "1.0", "Scores", 1000000); db.transaction( function(tx) { tx.executeSql('UPDATE scoresRecords SET scoreHour=10, scoreMinute=10 WHERE mapNumber=3 AND mapDifficulty="Hard"'); var rs = tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM scoresRecords'); var r = "" for(var i = 0; i < rs.rows.length; i++) { r += rs.rows.item(i).mapNumber + ", " + rs.rows.item(i).mapDifficulty + ", " + rs.rows.item(i).scoreHour + ':' + rs.rows.item(i).scoreMinute + ':' + rs.rows.item(i).scoreSecond + '\n' ; } print(r); textArea.text = r; } ) }
I added this on .pro
@folder_02.source = qml/Storage = qml
DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS += folder_02@[Edit: Quieted title, please use normal text, UPPER case don't help solve issue faster /Vass]