Multi Threading
Hi guys
Just want your suggestions...
I am trying to fetch data from a serial port (not using QSerialport)
When I am doing this in single thread some data loss is their because I am reading 23 bytes at once and checking its start byte and stop byte and number of bytes and if condition fails I am discarding the packet … and its a time driven operation I am using timers to call a function which is doing this operation.So now what I am going to do is I ll seprate reading logic and packet identification logic in two separate threads. I ll push packets in a buffer(queue ) and I ll read that buffer and put some logic so that I can handle this data packet thing efficiently.
I am not having much idea about Multithreading so I have tried a small example of multithreading using run() method .
But I need some suggestions in how many ways I can create threads and what approach I should take.
Ashish -
You can use use following mechanism to work with threads.
- Create the object
- Move the the object to new thread using moveToThread
- Use started() signal thread to connect with slot
@dheerendra ok sir I ll try this.