How to change label text style dynamically
QML and Qt Quick
So I would like to change the text style of a label once you click on it.
There is a title, click on it and it should open the drawer and change title text color and change anchors from right to left.
Any help or a link would be really great.
Thanks !
This is what I have now:
Item { id: item width: parent.width height: parent.height Label { id: title text: qsTrId("Title") font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeLarge height: Theme.fontSizeLarge color: Theme.secondaryHighlightColor property alias titletext: title.text anchors { right: item.right top: leftMargin: Theme.paddingLarge rightMargin: Theme.paddingLarge topMargin: Theme.paddingLarge bottomMargin: Theme.paddingLarge } MouseArea { anchors.fill: title onClicked: { = ! if (clicked) { openDrawerFunction(); } } function openDrawerFunction() { if (! title.titletext = "Title" ; if ( title.titletext = "Title 100°C – 200°C" } } } }
I also not sure if that is the way to do it but opening/closing the drawer and changing title text works.
Ok that's kinda weird (but perhaps it's another Qt6 Bug?)
I've got a similar approach:
Text{ id: welcomeText chargingBackground.bottom anchors.horizontalCenter: chargingBackground.horizontalCenter anchors.topMargin: 20 text: qsTr("Please select your charging pod!") property alias infoText: welcomeText.text font.pointSize: 20 "Helvetica" } function slotSelected(id) { if(!hpcManager.chargerIsOccupied()) { hpcManager.setCurrentCharger(id) t.running = false } else { console.log("No more parking spaces available!"); welcomeText.infoText = "No more parking spaces available!"; } }
all in "root" space.
It all works fine. The Console logs properly... but the text doesn't change. What am I missing here?
I tried to apply the alias at different levels (because I found it written that way in other solutions) but I can't make it work.