Unexpected LevelOfDetail behavior in Qt3D
i need some help with LOD in QT3D.
It's a scene with few cylinders. Every cylinder uses the Qt3DRender::QLevelOfDetail class with the DistanceToCameraThreashold to switch between three Meshes of decreasing details. When moving the camera around, I would expect the cylinders around the camera viewcenter and between the camera position and the viewcenter to be updated. But as you can see in the video, that's not the case. Instead it's some how dependent from which side the camera is looking at the cylinders:I use 5.12.2 and tested with WIN7, WIN10 and Ubuntu. Any ideas what's going on?
Here is the code: https://gitlab.com/sulisahne/qt3dlevelofdetailtestThanks for your efforts..
Bump for interest
for anyone interested.
Here is the link to the bug report on Jira:
https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-75373you can upvote it there to give it more attention