Qt Documentation in pdf exists?
Hi everyone,
I've already read this post https://forum.qt.io/topic/93158/qt-quick-documentation-in-pdf-or-epub. But wasn't yet resolved.
So I ask a more general question.
Is is a way to have Qt documentation in pdf format? Not the class documentation but all the explanation about component, or instruction like 'Qt for embedded linux"...
Thank you -
Can i ask why you want it in a pdf file? -
Indeed, a book layout is nicer to read for overview sort of info.
However, converting the site to pdf did not yield a good result
as it not very linear and to make it work good, one would have to cherry pick the sections
and make it into a proper book layout. -
@Foufy https://wiki.qt.io/Books contains a list of printed books. Some of them might be available as ebook too.