QML Quick Controls 2 Combobox change color of each item on the dropdown list
QML and Qt Quick
I am trying to make a very limited color picker with some predfined colors .
I would like to show the user the actual color when they click on the dropdown button .
Is there a way to color each line of the drop down indivudally with the color in the model ?ComboBox { id: usercolor x: 600 y: 0 width: 200 height: 50 model:["aliceblue","antiquewhite","aqua","aquamarine","azure"] visible: true }
Hi @Markus-Ippy , you can use the delegate property.
Here is the sample code:-
ListModel { id: colorModel ListElement { itemColor: "aliceblue" } ListElement { itemColor: "antiquewhite" } ListElement { itemColor: "aqua" } ListElement { itemColor: "aquamarine" } ListElement { itemColor: "azure" } } ComboBox { id: control height: 50 width: 200 model: colorModel delegate: Rectangle { width: control.width height: 100 color: itemColor Text { text: itemColor anchors.centerIn: parent } } }
Thank you that was exactly what i was after