QSocketNotifier: Socket notifiers cannot be enabled or disabled from another thread
@Dooham That didn't work, I dont know what is the trouble, I have seen that there are two different QThread ID, and that is probably the cause of the issue:
As you can see, I got the adress of the Thread that I generate with the incomingConnection but, in some point I create an Object that its parent is other QThread.
I dont know what to do. -
@Dooham @CP71 @SGaist Finally I could "solve" the trouble that I had. I had to create other class that has the QTcpSocket, and create that class inside the run function of the thread as a local variable. However I found some trouble with the write method, I dont know how to solve it. The trouble is that dont read the client (with the previous code I could read, the messaged from the client). This is my code:
MyServer::MyServer(QObject *parent) : QTcpServer (parent) { } void MyServer::startServer() { if(!this->listen(QHostAddress::Any, 9999)){ qDebug()<<"Server not started"; }else { qDebug()<<"Server listening"; } } void MyServer::startSerialPort() { mipuerto2 = new MySerialPort; connect(mipuerto2, SIGNAL(msgChanged(QByteArray*)), this, SLOT(getMens(QByteArray*))); mipuerto2->openSerialPort(); } void MyServer::getMens(QByteArray*array) { emit mensChanged(array); } void MyServer::sendMens(QByteArray *arraySend) { mipuerto2->writeMsg(*arraySend); } void MyServer::incomingConnection(int socketDescriptor) { qDebug()<<socketDescriptor<<"Connecting... "; MyThread *thread=new MyThread(socketDescriptor, this); qDebug()<<thread; connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(this, SIGNAL(mensChanged(QByteArray * )), thread, SLOT(getMsg(QByteArray *))); connect(thread, SIGNAL(mensajeEnviar(QByteArray * )), this,SLOT(sendMens(QByteArray * ))); thread->start(); }
#include "myserialport.h" #include <QObject> #include <QtSerialPort/QSerialPort> #include <QDebug> MySerialPort::MySerialPort() { serial = new QSerialPort(this); data= ""; connect(serial, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readData())); openSerialPort(); } void MySerialPort::openSerialPort() { serial->setPortName("COM4"); //serial->setBaudRate(QSerialPort::Baud9600); serial->setBaudRate(QSerialPort::Baud115200); serial->setDataBits(QSerialPort::Data8); serial->setParity(QSerialPort::NoParity); serial->setStopBits(QSerialPort::OneStop); serial->setFlowControl(QSerialPort::NoFlowControl); serial->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); } void MySerialPort::closeSerialPort() { if(serial->isOpen()){ serial->close(); } } void MySerialPort::readData() { data = serial->readAll(); dataAux=data.toHex(); emit msgChanged(&data); } QByteArray MySerialPort::getMensaje() { return data; } void MySerialPort::writeMsg(QByteArray datos) { serial->write(datos); }
#include "mythread.h" #include "mysocket.h" MyThread::MyThread(int ID, QObject *parent) : QThread(parent) { this->socketDescriptor=ID; } void MyThread::run() { qDebug()<<socketDescriptor<< " Starting thread"; MySocket socket2(this->socketDescriptor); //Revisar mas tarde /*if(!socket2.setSocketDescriptor(this->socketDescriptor)){ emit error(socket->error()); }*/ /*connect(socket2, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readyRead()), Qt::DirectConnection);*/ connect(this, SIGNAL(mensajeRecibido(QByteArray*)), &socket2, SLOT(getMsg(QByteArray*))); connect(&socket2, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(disconnected())); connect(&socket2, SIGNAL(mensajeEnviarSocket(QByteArray*)), this, SLOT(readyRead(QByteArray*))); qDebug() << socketDescriptor<< " Client Connect"; exec(); } void MyThread::readyRead(QByteArray*arraySent) { qDebug()<<arraySent->toHex(); emit mensajeEnviar(arraySent); } void MyThread::disconnected() { qDebug() << socketDescriptor<< " Disconnected"; //socket->deleteLater(); exit(0); } void MyThread::getMsg(QByteArray * array) { emit mensajeRecibido(array); }
mysocket.cpp (This is the new class)
#include "mysocket.h" MySocket::MySocket(int socketDescriptor) { socket= new QTcpSocket; socket->setSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor); connect(this, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(desconexion())); connect(this, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(leerMsg())); qDebug()<<"Hola"; } void MySocket::leerMsg() { msgSend=""; // socket->waitForReadyRead(100); msgSend=socket->readAll(); qDebug()<<msgSend.toHex(); emit mensajeEnviarSocket(&msgSend); } void MySocket::desconexion() { socket->deleteLater(); } void MySocket::getMsg(QByteArray *array) { arr=*array; //qDebug()<<arr; // qDebug()<<"server a thread"; socket->write(arr); socket->flush(); socket->waitForBytesWritten(3000); }
#ifndef MYSOCKET_H #define MYSOCKET_H #include <QObject> #include <QTcpSocket> class MySocket:public QTcpSocket { Q_OBJECT public: MySocket(int socketDescriptor); signals: void mensajeEnviarSocket(QByteArray *arraySend); public slots: void leerMsg(); void desconexion(); void getMsg(QByteArray *array); private: QTcpSocket *socket; QByteArray arr; QByteArray msgSend; }; #endif // MYSOCKET_H
With this code, I can read the serial port and sending to the client without troubles (I also tried with the telnet command and two connections, and this could with them). But I can read the messages sent. Another trouble that I saw, is that, when I disconect the client, in the server appears the following error: QAbstractSocket::waitForBytesWritten() is not allowed in UnconnectedState
Does anyone knows how I can solve this issues?
Thanks for your help. -
@CP71 I dont know if this is dangerous or not, but it is easy to change, I think. So I will change it later to pass a QByteArray and not a QByteArray pointer. Related to pendingConnection, I don know if this is necessary or not. I am just going to have a few connection. I proved ths code with three clients and I didnt have troubles. With the exception that I cant send message to the serialport, but is a problem that dont depend of the number of connections. However I saw that the trouble is that the socket dont emit the signal readyRead in the socket of the server when I receive a message from a client.
When we have some problems we say, “the computer has always reason”, well almost always.
I’m joking ;)I already done a TCP Server but I took another road and I hadn't got special problems, so now I haven’t ideas. :(
If I can, I suggest you to solve one problem at a time, I would start at the end, as per QtcpSocket, to try to understand why readyRead seems not working I should check the following checks:
- Check with Wireshark or other tools if TCP packets arrive to your device
- Check by debug text info about QTcpSocket that you have created (e.g. IP of the client)
Then climb up to TcpServer.
@CP71 Dont worry, you are helpful. I will tried to find the trouble, I know that must be in my Code of the server, because in the first Code that I published in this thread I could do It. And in a simpler Code for just one connection server-client It also worked.