Proliferation of unknown files in QtCreator 4.8.1
Every time I run a program (or so it seems) in Qt Creator, I get another empty file in the project directory named something like
Any clue where they come from, what they are for, and why they aren't in the apparent/proper temporary file location?
This didn't happen before I installed 4.8.1 some weeks back.
Hi @drmhkelley,
- on which platform are you?
- which build system do you use?
- do you use shadow-builds?
@aha_1980 I'll try to provide this information.
First, I noticed that the two such files get created each time I start the debug mode in Qt Create - none if I run without the debugger.
Platform: Windows 10
Build System: (not certain what you mean) Use qmake to generate the relevant Makefiles, mingw32-make to process the Makefiles, then MinGQ-w64 for compilation and linking and debugging. Specifically, compile and link with a version of Gnu C++ (MinGW-w64\x86_64-7.2.0-posix-seh-rt_v5-rev1\mingw64\bin\g++) and the corresponding Gnu debugger (MinGW-w64\x86_64-7.2.0-posix-seh-rt_v5-rev1\mingw64\bin\gdb).Shadow-builds: don't know what this is so likely don't use it.