Qt Creator refuses to parse project file
- the link is invalid
- try a project path without spaces and special chars
it parses the project now displaying the proper source code orgaization now that I forced it to use the desktop qt 5 kit.
But it won't let me configure the project. It just says
The project ProjectX is not yet configured
Qt Creator uses the kit Desktop Qt 5.12.2 GCC 64 bit to parse the project.No valid kits found.
Its a C++ project
@A123 said in Qt Creator refuses to parse project file:
No valid kits found.
Then please show a screenshot of Tools > Options > Kits > Kits
Here is a screenshot
@A123 at least the auto detected 5.12 kit has no warnings (the 5.9 one has!).
So how do you try to configure the project?
Have you tried deleting the .pro.use and open the project again?
@aha_1980 I deleted all the .user files. There is nothing I see to do on the configure project page. It won't allow me to pick a kit. If I try to import a build it doesn't do anything. If I go to options and pick the Desktop 5.12 kit it simply says
C and C++ compiler paths differ. C compiler may not work.
C and C++ compiler paths differ. C compiler may not work.the project remains unconfigured and won't allow me to compile or build.
Ah, Ok. So please post the screenshot of that Kit again, click on "Desktop Qt 5.12.2 GCC 64bit (default)" before, so you see the details.
Also, post the compiler settings from the "Compilers" tab.
@A123 Well, you need to select a C++ compiler and press Apply:
I guess that's all. It's just interesting that there is no warning sign...
@aha_1980 said in Qt Creator refuses to parse project file:
It's just interesting that there is no warning sign...
Tracked as QTCREATORBUG-22177 now.
@aha_1980 changing the project file name helped mine was originally first-project changed to firstProject
Thanks, Bud! Mine has worked. It was previously named "00-syntax." I converted it to syntax, and my project worked, which was stuck for about three hours.
thanks again!!