Qaudiooutput Double values
General and Desktop
Hi. I am a newbie to qt and c++. I am writing a simple signal generator right now. ı am tryimg to create a qbytearray from doubles but qbytearray changes all of the doubles to integer. So i lose precision on the sound waves. How can i make qbytearray store double or float variables?
My code is like this which generates a simple sinewave
int len= m_seconds*SAMPLE_RATE;sinbuf.resize(len); for(int i=0;i<len;i++){ qreal t = m_freq*i; t *= FREQ_CONST; t = t+ m_ph; t = qSin(t); t*= m_amp; sinbuf[i] = t; } sininput.setBuffer(&sinbuf);;
It just invludes integers from -100 to 100. I need it to include floats or doubles. I tried populating a qvector and stream it to the array via qdatastream but it just made every element put randomly and also integers.
Thamks for your help